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Old 12-25-2003, 11:43 AM   #11
General Manager
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: The Town of Flower Mound
I'm just on for a second while I'm at my sister's house for Christmas and I had to see what you guys thought about the Price hiring.

First of all, I'm extatic about the hiring. He's a proven winner in a similair environment to UTEP (a school with a history of losing in an isolated area). I think he'll do a great job with the Miners as long as he doesn't do anything stupid. I'm not foolish enough to think that UTEP is anything more than a stepping stone for him, but hopefully in the three or four years that he'll be in El Paso he can make UTEP football respectable. I'm also not expecting an overnight turnaround (what my brother-in-law now calls "A Parcells"). Hopefully he'll be able to bring in better talent than we've had in years and he'll certainly be able to give them better coaching than Goofy Gary Nord could have given them.

RA is right, there are plenty of strip clubs in El Paso. The closest one to the school that I can think of is Prince Machavelli, and I think it's supposed to be one of the nicer ones in town. I'm sure that Mike will have plenty of fun there...

Oh, and how about those Miner hoopsters? 7-1 and an RPI that has reached as high as #16 (until we beat Arkansas Pine-Bluff by 40 and it dropped us into the sixties)...

I'll be back for good on Monday. Thank god...
UTEP Miners!!!

I solemnly swear to never cheer for TO
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