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Old 08-10-2020, 08:54 PM   #94
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Buffalo, NY
Originally Posted by Telle View Post
So who among us has played one of these kinds of games before? Any insights that'll help?

With no reveal upon death we'll have no way of knowing how the votes went until the Seer or Priest out themselves. And we have to hope we don't accidentally vote either one and that they both survive night kills.

Three botched votes ends the game in favor of the wolves, and each botched vote increases the odds that we hit the See or Priest with the next one. Should the Priest and Seer stay quiet until Day 3 and then reveal all they know? Or should the Priest come out Day 2 and the Seer Day 3? I'm leaning towards the latter because I want to know more sooner and not cross my fingers that we don't fuck up Day 3 but I'm not sure if that's the smart move or not. Thoughts?

If we get lucky and nab a wolf day 1, I would suggest they come out and let us know who they are because we then have a distinct advantage and it narrows down the hunted group right away.

If we fuck up then they have to stay quiet because we're a;ready at a huge disadvantage.
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