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Old 05-28-2020, 11:17 AM   #251
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
I'm ready for MOAR. Hurry up and give it to me, looking at a Peloton.

In all seriousness, I know there are many less fortunate than I am. I would not begrudge congress if they made it more targeted.

A second stimulus check for $1,200? Here is the latest on another round of payments - CNET
Is Washington really going to approve a second round of stimulus checks? Congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle are signaling support for a second package that could provide fresh payments to US residents of up to $1,200 apiece. The two sides differ, however, on what exactly the next financial relief bill would look like for individuals, businesses and those who are out of work -- and the total amount of money your family could receive.
The goal of a second stimulus round is the same as the first: To help keep a shaky US economy from crashing. And the pressure is mounting. Last week, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 38.6 million Americans sought unemployment benefits (PDF) in the past 10 weeks. And in some states, unemployment has already reached 20%. During a recent Senate hearing, chair of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors Jerome Powell called for additional economic relief. And earlier this month, the International Monetary Fund forecast a deep global recession that could become the worst since the Great Depression.

I honestly do struggle (and suspect many of you do as well) weighing between (1) saving the economy (markets, consumers, SMB companies and consumer confidence) and (2) the significant increase in federal debt. I think the right answer is to focus on the immediate and prevent a tailspin into a Great Depression. I do think the risk of a GD is lower now.

However, there will be a point in time when that is no longer a worry and its more of a Recession. Then it will get interesting on choices Congress has to make and what we on this forum individually support.

Last edited by Edward64 : 05-28-2020 at 11:19 AM.
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