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Old 04-29-2020, 03:59 PM   #215
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Originally Posted by bhlloy View Post
I realised I said n1 lynch rather than n1 NK, so that was probably pretty confusing.

Reading the rules again, it's interesting that there isn't a mentioned NK ability. Do we presume that the Vampire can convert a wolf (good guy) to a vampire with NK, and then what does the vanilla vampire do? I can't imagine in such a small game there's possibility of multiple NK's on the vampire side, would seem too easy to get the win. Does the village (bad guys) get a NK ability that isn't mentioned?

I'm feeling pretty lost on the mechanics of this game to be honest, but maybe it will be clearer once we see a couple of nights.

My first guess would be that the night kill is assumed, and doesn't need to be mentioned in the rules.

Therefore, I would assume if there is a vampire or vampires, they don't have their own night kill but probably a conversion of some type, and not one every night. That would be overkill.

However, my second guess would be that there have been some games we've played where the bad guys don't start with a kill and then have to gain one as the game goes on. That's always a lot of confusion but I could see EF doing something like that.

Now, my question is about the healing action EF mentioned. Going back to the roles to check what that might be.
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