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Old 04-14-2020, 08:54 PM   #568
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
You wait until the bickering dies down and the tunnel traffic thins out. When you see your chance to move you seize it swiftly and successfully. Shielded by your Kai skills, you avoid the guards and hurry along this tunnel. The deeper you explore, the stronger the sensation and concentration of Evil becomes, but still you can sense the presence of Alyss. Eventually you reach the tunnel’s end at an antechamber, where an open archway to an adjoining hall is dripping with blood. You peer through this gruesome entrance and recognize the hall beyond to be the inner sanctum of Naar’s stronghold—his personal chamber. The walls comprise swirling smoke in which alien shapes writhe and contort themselves into impossible shapes. A circular plinth occupies the central section of the floor, and your heart skips a beat when you glimpse something beyond the plinth, something encased within a glimmering field of energy.

You see Alyss sitting cross-legged within a globular force-field, her emaciated face and limbs clearly displaying the price she has paid for her continued resistance to the Dark God. Yet despite her wasted physical appearance, you detect that she is still strong in spirit and the Moonstone of the Shianti is still in her possession.

You focus on this force-field and deduce that Naar, having been unable to defeat Alyss in combat, has chosen instead to imprison her within this seamless cell of energy in order to prevent her from using the powers of the Moonstone to create a Shadow Gate through which she can escape. The Dark God has contented himself with waiting for her to weaken to the point where she can no longer resist his remorseless attacks. As you focus on Alyss you sense that she is dangerously close to reaching that breaking point. Prompted by an urge to help her, and by the sight of the Moonstone which she cradles in her lap, you move quickly towards the entrance to Naar’s inner sanctum.

(Yes I have Telegnosis at a high enough level)

You are approaching the entrance when Alyss suddenly raises her bowed head and screams a telepathic warning that you are about to enter a trap. Instantly you skid to a halt, but moments later you feel a massive weight hit you between the shoulder blades. You have been struck by a powerful shock wave that propels you head-first through the bloodstained entrance to Naar’s inner sanctum, which closes behind you like a rapidly healing wound.

You leap to your feet and unsheathe your weapon in readiness to defend both Alyss and yourself against any threat that Naar may launch at you.

You do not have long to wait for the threat to materialize. Bursting from out of the smoky wall of the chamber comes Naar’s fearsome champion, Kekataag the Avenger. He is attired in battle armour that glimmers like slime-dulled gold, and beneath his helmet there is a hollow skull-face from which emerges a sickly stench that permeates even the foul air of this hall. The skulls and bones of humans bedeck his armoured hide and in his mighty hands he carries a great two-handed axe, its blade stained black with the blood of his countless victims

This terrifying warrior mesmerizes you with his glowing eyes and you feel waves of powerful psychic energy buffet your mind.

(Yes I have the Sommerswerd)

You raise the Sommerswerd and a blinding halo of golden light engulfs the blade. You sense that Naar is present in this chamber, but he will not materialize and show himself so long as your divine blade is unsheathed, for he fears that your god-forged weapon could destroy him. He is content to allow his mighty champion Kekataag the pleasure of slaying you on his behalf.

Kekataag pounds the floor repeatedly with his armoured boot to demonstrate his eagerness to commence combat. In response, you give voice to your battle-cry—‘For Sommerlund and the Kai!’—and launch yourself at your fell adversary in an attempt to land the first blow.

Kekataag the Avenger: COMBAT SKILL 60 ENDURANCE 58

This enemy is an undead warrior. You may double all ENDURANCE point losses which you inflict upon him during this combat.

(My base CS is 57, with 61 Mindblast and 65 Kaisurge. I use Kai Surge to give me a +5 CS. I have 53 EP to his 58. This is very winnable.

I open with a 4 and a 4. I lose 3 each time plus 1 for KS so 4. He took 8 twice, and doubled to 32. I toss an 8. He loses 28 to my 1. I toss a 1. He losses 10 and I took 5. I took 14 and he is dead)
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