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Old 04-14-2020, 07:57 PM   #563
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Beyond the archway you see a vaulted cavern ringed by pillars of ice. A huge marble throne and a table of carved marble stand before two massive black gates which gleam like polished jet. Located behind the throne, and within an arm’s length of the grand gates, you glimpse a well-like pool set flush into the frosted cavern floor. The surface of this well is seething and swirling, as if its black waters were about to bubble and boil over.

The sight of this wondrous cavern is a stunning spectacle, yet it pales in comparison to the visage of the creature which is occupying the massive marble throne.

(I have been to Lake Vorndarol)

Icy fingers of fear grip your heart when you see the huge, dread form of the Demoness Shamath seated upon the marble throne. She is slumped forward over the adjacent table, her face buried in her crossed arms as if she is asleep. The few remaining parts of her body which are visible appear to be sheathed in sections of shiny black armour. You note that it is the same armour she wore when you defeated her five years ago.

Suddenly the sound of approaching footsteps echoes from one of the nearby tunnels. Anxious to avoid the risk of a confrontation, you slip into Shamath’s chamber and take cover behind one of the icy pillars that encircle the walls. Moments later, you see two robed figures glide into the chamber. They are carrying between them a large phial of golden fluid which rests upon a pillow of purple silk. As they pass close by your hiding place, you hastily call upon your Kai skills to mask your physical and mental presence.

In unison, the robed figures levitate several paces from the floor so that they are able to rest the pillow and phial upon the surface of the great marble table. Then silently they lower themselves back to the ground where they wait patiently for the Demoness to stir from her slumber. After several minutes she raises her head and you are shocked to see that her womanly face is hideously scarred and disfigured.

‘Ah, my lieutenants,’ she says, yawning and stretching her arms wide, ‘I see your work is complete. By Naar, I hunger for revenge upon Avarvae! I trust your elixir will make her pay for the torment she has wrought me.’

‘All is ready, supreme mistress,’ reply the robed ones, sycophantically. Clearly their answer pleases the Demoness. Her ruined face twists into the semblance of a smile as she picks up the phial and examines it closely. The glass bottle looks especially fragile and tiny as she holds it between her gigantic index finger and thumb.

‘Excellent!’ she murmurs. ‘Soon she shall pay for what she did to me.’

The Demoness Shamath rises from her throne and turns towards the seething pool of black fluid which is set into the floor close by. The shimmering waters grow calm and you see her scarred reflection in the pool. Then the fluids seethe afresh and her image swirls and changes. When it reforms you see, to your horror, that the reflection is no longer that of the Demoness. The face staring back from the surface of the pool is yours!

‘Ayeeeeeee!’ howls Shamath. ‘It is Lone Wolf! The Kai Lord is here!’

The unexpected sight of your face in the pool fills Shamath with a blind rage. In her fury, she expels a mass of psychic energy from which, using your Magnakai Discipline of Divination, you are able to extract scores of vivid images. They are Shamath’s memories of what befell her after she failed to resurrect Darklord Vashna from the depths of the Maakengorge.

From the collage of images you deduce that your destruction of the Shadow Gate at Maakengorge forced Shamath to return to the Plane of Darkness. As punishment for her failure to complete her mission, Naar imprisoned her and commanded Shamath’s hated rival—Avarvae the Tormentress—to ruin her evil beauty. Satisfied that the Demoness had paid for her failure, Naar allowed her to return to her realm where, ever since, she has been goaded and tormented by her malicious rival.

The appearance of your face in the pool has brought back these haunting memories. It has also alerted Shamath to your presence in her Throne Room. As her rage subsides, you sense that she is communicating telepathically with her two lieutenants. Suddenly, all three turn to stare at the pillar behind which you are hiding, and your Sixth Sense tells you that they are preparing to launch a combined psychic attack.

(Yes i have Kai-Surge and enough rank)

Before the Demoness and her Lieutenants of Night can focus their attack, you use your improved Kai Discipline to launch a hasty psychic assault on all three beings simultaneously. Your rapid bolts of psychic power penetrate their defences and short-circuit their minds with devastating effect. The Lieutenants of Night fall screaming to the floor where they writhe in agony like wounded snakes. The Demoness reels and totters backwards, slumps down heavily upon her throne, and then grips her disfigured head with both hands as she struggles in vain to regain control of her mind.

Seizing your advantage, you unsheathe your weapon and rush forward. With two swift and deadly blows you dispatch the lieutenants in passing and then rush towards Shamath’s gigantic throne. Through the red haze of the agony that fills her head, the Demoness sees you approaching. Immediately she slams her right hand down upon the arm of her throne, to where a glowing opal is set into the stone.

‘Gnekasha!’ you scream, giving voice to her secret name, and she freezes as still as a stone statue. But not before her clenched fist has struck the glowing gem.

Suddenly you hear a terrible sound: it is the screams and cries of Shamath’s vengeful legions. With dread you glance over your shoulder and look to the source of the cacophony: the chamber of tunnels beyond the archway of the Throne Room. What you see there sends an icy cold shiver of fear coursing down your spine.
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