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Old 12-20-2003, 03:47 PM   #3
Coffee Warlord
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Colorado Springs
I had it done in October of this year. Words cannot describe how utterly amazing it is. Went from being borderline legally blind to 20/15 combined vision.

I dunno what 'other procedure' you're getting but, as far as how it went for me...

Day 1 post Op: I Could See. You'll be very sensitive to light that first day. There was a little irritation, but the eyedrops they provide and a nap was all it took for me to feel fine. No pain after that first day at all.

Day 2 and Beyond. No problems at all. I went back to work the day after surgery, no trouble. The only thing to note is, early on, you'll notice some fairly obnoxious halos around objects at night. This just takes longer to work itself out. Not that bigga deal, basically the same as wearing dirty glasses/contacts.

Now, some 2 and a half months after the surgery, it's like I never needed glasses. Utterly fucking amazing.
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