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Old 11-18-2019, 01:39 PM   #108
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
Originally Posted by QuikSand View Post
So, you're stuck on a deserted island, with all the standard trimmings that come with it according to legend. Well, this isn't [i]Lost[/o] so there won't be a population of six thousand different factions and monsters or anything - you're just here, on your own, for as long as you can imagine.

You find the inevitable magic lamp, and soon the genie appears. Great. But he's a union genie, and his work is subjected to a series of restrctions resulting from the latest Intergalactic Brotherhood of Embottled Omnipotents #136 CBA. So, here's his "make a wish" offer to you, complete with provisos and what-have-yous befitting a tedious negotiation:

You may be entertained during your interminable stay here by viewing the catalog of films including one actor. You get to choose the actor. However, your only option is to watch each and every film, with full attention, start to finish, in chronological order -- you don't get to pick and choose your favorites, you don't get to skip over your dislikes -- you simply watch them all, over and over again, forever.

So, given that setup... you choose...?

seems to be "films" so I'd say just movies, not television or other media
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