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Old 10-03-2019, 02:43 PM   #143
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
More details and context below. New rover will land Feb 2021 so we'll know something in 2021.
The Mars 2020 rover, along with the European Space Agency's ExoMars rover, will drill into the Martian crust. The surface of the Red Planet is believed to be radioactive, so if there is life on Mars, it likely lives below ground.

"We've never drilled that deep," he told the Telegraph. "When environments get extreme, life moves into the rocks."

The principle's been proven on our home planet: After drilling miles into the Earth, researchers found more life in the Earth's crust than on its surface, he said.

"The bottom line is, where there is water there is life."

And if the agencies' new rovers find proof that water once flowed on Mars, he said, the confirmation could come weeks or months of landing -- so buckle up, space lovers. The realm of possibility might get much wider very soon.
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