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Old 09-26-2019, 02:27 PM   #91
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by PilotMan View Post
Not exactly related to airline travel, but earlier this year I started a FB page that showcases the different views that I get from my hotel room while I'm on the road. It's called The Road View, and it's geared toward road warriors, and people who travel, along with people who like to travel, or people who just want to see all the interesting looks I get out my window. If you're interested you can follow it here:

Nice. Some questions

1) For some reason, I always imagined a pilot/crew that did international travel did that pretty much exclusively vs international and domestic? Not sure why but I figured if you flew a big 787 to Europe/Asia you wouldn't be flying a 737.

2) When you fly internationally, can you schedule for 1-2 days off to tour?

3) I've always thought the exposure is not so much terrorists getting onboard with weapons but more like a terrorist baggage handler. When I fly internationally, many times it seems Delta has additional screening when I return back to the US. But I always wonder how tight security/background checks are for the local baggage handlers. Your opinion?

4) Whats the latest on Malaysian Airlines 370? I think you were leaning towards the Captain did it. Any change of opinion and do you think we'll ever find the plane? Followup question - have they resolved the problem where planes are often in a "blind spot" from satellites/GPS etc. and not trackable?

5) ... do crew hookups happen as much as I think they do?

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