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Old 08-04-2019, 09:11 AM   #169
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by NobodyHere View Post
So it's not racist to tell somebody to go back where they came from?

It depends on context and intent. I do think the word "racist" is tossed around way too much.

Is a white supremacist a racist? Yes, it fits the definition below.

Is telling someone to go back where they came from in the heat of the moment (and don't know if there has been a historical pattern with that guy) being a racist? Unknown but would say it better fits under the definition of bigotry/prejudice.

Racism - Wikipedia
Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another. It may also include prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity, or the belief that members of different races or ethnicities should be treated differently.[1][2][3] Modern variants of racism are often based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. These views can take the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems in which different races are ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities.[2][4][5]
the meaning of the term racism is often conflated with the terms prejudice, bigotry, and discrimination. Racism is a complex concept that can involve each of those; but it cannot be equated with, nor is it synonymous, with these other terms.

Wikipedia search on Bigotry redirected me to Prejudice.

Prejudice - Wikipedia
Prejudice[1] is an affective feeling towards a person or group member based often on that person's group membership (tribal behavior). The word is often used to refer to preconceived, usually unfavourable, feelings towards people or a person because of their political affiliation, sex, gender, beliefs, values, social class, age, disability, religion, sexuality, race/ethnicity, language, nationality, beauty, occupation, education, criminality, sport team affiliation or other personal characteristics. In this case, it refers to a positive or negative evaluation of another person based on that person's perceived group membership.[2]

Prejudice can also refer to unfounded or pigeonholed beliefs[3][4] and it may include "any unreasonable attitude that is unusually resistant to rational influence".[5] Gordon Allport defined prejudice as a "feeling, favorable or unfavorable, toward a person or thing, prior to, or not based on, actual experience".[6] For the evolutionary psychology perspective, see Prejudice from an evolutionary perspective. Auestad (2015) defines prejudice as characterized by 'symbolic transfer', transfer of a value-laden meaning content onto a socially formed category and then on to individuals who are taken to belong to that category, resistance to change, and overgeneralization.[7]

Prejudice can also be classified as a reaction to a race and/or culture based purely on experience.[citation needed]

So I view it as all racists are bigots. Not all bigots are racists.

Last edited by Edward64 : 08-04-2019 at 09:17 AM.
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