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Old 02-05-2019, 08:17 AM   #119
Team Chaplain
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Just outside Des Moines, IA
Season 3, Week 12: 3-6-1 Baltimore comes to 3-7 Des Moines

With MLB Dale Griffin and SS Mitch Plante still on the bench, even the lowly Ravens seemed intimidating.

Despite running on the Ravens, as expected, Corriveau looked every bit the rookie in a sad, 27-19 loss.

Will Dragon fans continue to back the rookie, when memories of The Captain not so far distant? Will they continue to buy Coach O'Day's line that the younger players need to play before the team can truly excel?

Or is Jack Ledger working behind the scenes to intentionally tank for a better draft pick?

Season 3, Week 13: 3-8 Dragons travel to 4-7 San Francisco

SS Mitch Plante returned, and Corriveau threw a pair of 4th quarter touchdowns, but it wasn't enough, as San Fran pounded away at the Dragons, who were forced to sign a rookie off the street from a tiny, private college in Iowa to play middle linebacker. Injuries are just decimating this squad, and it showed up in the box score, as Dragons gave up over 200 yards rushing in a demoralizing loss, 31-19.
Winner of 6 FOFC Scribe Awards, including 3 Gold Scribes
Founder of the ZFL, 2004 Golden Scribe Dynasty of the Year
Now bringing The Des Moines Dragons back to life, and the joke's on YOU, NFL!
I came to the Crossroad. I took it. And that has made all the difference.
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