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Old 08-28-2018, 09:09 AM   #980
Marc Vaughan
SI Games
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Melbourne, FL
Originally Posted by Radii View Post
This is NO LONGER FRINGE THINKING IN THIS COUNTRY. Turn on the Rush Limbaugh show. Listen to Alex Jones talking about how he'd like to murder Robert Meuller. Listen to the people that call into these shows, these shows that get millions of listeners. Hear them say "Rush, thank you, because of you I stopped listening to any other news source and I only get my news from you and Hannity"

I think it is still very much 'fringe' thinking - the problem is that fringe is fairly large and vociferous ... they're also older people in the main and far more likely to vote than some other demographics.

This being so also makes more rational minded individuals on the right less likely to speak up because they know doing so leaves them a target and reduces the votes from their own party.

I see the Republican party as currently being in a 'bad relationship' with their own fringe - they know its damaging to them and the more moderate of them aren't happy with where they are going, but they aren't ready either to call time on things because they've invested a lot in the relationship and know they'll lose heavily should they walk away.

(I do sometimes wonder how the talking heads at Fox News really think about things - I can't believe they or Alex Jones are stupid enough to believe what they spout, heck Jones has testified in court that he's 'performance art' and what he says isn't intended to be taken seriously ... )

PS - The only 'good thing' about this situation is that these older people are continuing to age and the more liberal younger generation who are more accepting of scary things like gay people and foreigners (in the main) are starting to be able to vote and will one day make a difference.

Last edited by Marc Vaughan : 08-28-2018 at 09:11 AM.
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