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Old 01-17-2018, 12:26 PM   #199
Join Date: Oct 2003
Originally Posted by RainMaker View Post
Women are not as weak as you think they are. They are capable of leaving a date when they no longer are enjoying themselves.

Not always. It’s quite common for a woman to acquiesce to a man she feels may become violent and then end up feeling shitty afterwards. Aziz handled himself better than the average guy in these circumstances by virtue of being a multimillionaire actor/comedian who can easily move onto the next girl; in most cases making it home from the actual date is just the tip of the iceberg. The average guy who thinks he’s going to get laid but doesn’t is going to continue to ask the girl out. If she turns him down he’s likely to harass her and call her a slut if he thinks she’s going out with another guy.

As for your "do whatever a man says because he may get violent even though he has shown no signs of being violent" approach, I would not recommend teaching it to women today.

You are showing your bias by seeing an account of a guy following a woman around his apartment for 30 minutes whenever she tries to get some space for herself, repeatedly grabbing her hand and putting it on his dick, sticking his fingers down her throat and so on and characterizing it as “no signs of being violent.” This is a country that regularly justifies shooting people to death over much less threatening gestures than that.

The Times Up movement is for sexual harassment and assault in the workplace. Being a sleazeball on a date with someone you don't work with does not fall in that category.

So if you go on a date with someone, get her to come back to your apartment, and kiss her, pretty much everything after that is fair game in other words. We live in a country where spousal rape was still legal in some places as recently as the 90s, and this attitude seems to be a vestige of that. “She’s free to leave the date” versus “She’s free to get a divorce.”

It's quite possible that women would like to be free from harrassment and assault in the workplace AND they'd appreciate if, in their personal lives, being constantly badgered into sex was not the norm even from 'nice guys' they're interested in dating. That's probably something where one would have to consult with actual women rather than Aziz Ansari or some random guy on a football message board to be positive though.

Last edited by nol : 01-17-2018 at 04:07 PM.
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