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Old 11-10-2017, 11:42 AM   #36
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: NYC
I see a lot of fellow comedians/friends of CK getting shit online about either ignoring rumors in the past, or not coming out with strong statements "denouncing" CK. Is it just me, or are we not allowing people to have normal human conflicting thoughts on how to properly deal with this stuff? I'm sure it's difficult coming to grips with the idea that your friend isn't actually who you think he is, and people will struggle with that whether they're celebrities with money or normal schmucks like us.

I see the Twitter mob going after a guy like Aziz Ansari and I just don't get it. To me, as long as you're not victim shaming or outright denying/questioning the motivation of the accusers, let these people react however they feel is right.
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