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Old 08-28-2017, 07:03 PM   #25
College Starter
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Roseville, CA
Went through something similar with my girl, who are now 18 and 17, a few years ago. My 2 daughters lived with me after their mom and I broke up when they were 6 and 5. After I got married a couple of years later, they stayed with us. My wife was great with them and they got to see their mom over the holidays and for the summer.

As the girls got older, the youngest decided she wanted to live with her mom. That hurt, but I understood why...grass is greener and all that. My oldest decided she wanted to stay a year, then move.

Those were tough trips to the airport. Having one leave definitely made the house feel different. It was great to spend time with my oldest one on one, but I missed the youngest like crazy.

During the year when the oldest stayed with us, my wife and I adopted 3 kids. That was great and tough. It was great having young ones in the house again, but it was unfortunate that my youngest didn't get to spend a lot of time with them like the oldest did before she left.

Now, the oldest is at college for her freshman year. The youngest goes to college next year. And it's been a good situation for me with them. I dealt with not having them around every day 5 years ago and, while I still miss them, it's a lot easier to deal with, especially since I know they're doing well, they're taking care of business, and they still enjoy telling me about what's going on with them like they did when they were younger.

I said all that to say, it's tough, but it does get better. Enjoy your time with your wife and your other children. And definitely be proud of the fact that you've gotten him to this point and have prepared him to take on the challenges of the next part.
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