Thread: running journal
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Old 02-05-2017, 10:12 PM   #14
General Manager
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Chicago
Thread revival. 23:54 on a training run over the weekend for a 5k, so nudged that number down a bit. Considering that I wasn't looking to run a 5k for pace, but felt fast on the first 2k, and that is a pretty encouraging time.

I've been working on a Hanson Half Marathon training plan for the past couple of months, in an effort to have some more rigor around both speed training and getting out more regularly. For my last half marathon of 2016, I posted a 1:48:20 time ... PR by about 75 seconds, but not too close to the 1:47 time I set at the beginning of the year. I have set a goal of shaving 5 minutes off my 1:48 time and I think I can do it if I get consistent with my training.

To that end, Dec 2016 and Jan 2017 show the most miles that I've ever posted - 190 in December and 177 last month. It probably makes sense to post my 2017 goals:
Miles: 1000 miles (up 800 from goal last year, which I hit on New Years Eve)
1/2 marathon: 1:43:20 (5 minute improvement)
10k: 46:00 (48:39 is current best)
5k: 21:00 (22:12 is current best)
Run Ragnar: Madison to Chicago in June

I'll likely be satisfied with hitting the mileage mark and setting PRs across the board, but if I'm going to hit the 1/2 marathon time I feel like the other ones should all be pretty natural by-products. I'm going to need to do speed workouts to hit those numbers, period.

And so far, that has been a challenge in 2017. I got off to a good start at the end of December, when I was able to work from home the last couple of weeks. But I've struggled to get into a good rhythm with morning runs, and my January has largely felt like trying to squeeze in runs rather than stay with the program. Mileage needs to get up to >200km/month and I need to hit both intervals and tempo runs every week.

Second to last note - VO2 Max moved for the first time in months following the 5k run, and is currently listed at 50.

Last note - weight is down to 170, after peaking around 177 in November. I don't have a formal goal weight for the year, but 165 is about the lowest I've been able to hit since college. I think 160 should be doable with continued mileage plus a modicum of discipline with eating. At this point I remain more focused on portion control than making good food choices.
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