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Old 08-28-2016, 10:43 AM   #557
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD

You are nearing the centre of the bridge when suddenly a dark and terrifying apparition manifests itself before the dragon-gate. This awesome sight brings you skidding to a halt

Before the dragon-gate stands an armoured colossus. Clad from horned helm to booted foot in glowing black plate armour, this mighty warrior stands a full arm’s length taller than yourself and radiates an evil so intense that you feel your skin crawling with fear and revulsion. In his right hand he wields a broadsword carved with runes of power, and in his left a dagger that bleeds scarlet venom. He raises the sword and spears of blue lightning arc from the surrounding chasm wall to earth themselves upon the hilt of his unholy blade. You launch a psychic probe to test the mental defences of this god-like warrior and you are shocked when you fail to locate his Mindforce. You sense that this being is a living entity, and that he is the source of the power that has drawn you to this chasm, yet it is as if his mind has been erased. He has the psyche of an automaton: cold, brutal, and utterly unhuman. His mental state presents a formidable defence against your powerful psychic abilities, rendering them near-useless. Yet where your psychic skills may fail, your agility and your mastery of conventional combat may prove especially effective against this hulking foe

(I use a bow)

In the blink of an eye you unshoulder your Bow and draw an Arrow ready to fire. The warrior does not flinch in the face of your swift threat and you soon understand why this is so. As you cast your eyes over his body in search of a target, you are unable to detect any chink in the thick plate armour that encases him. Cursing your mysterious foe, you release your Arrow and send it whistling towards his throat, at a point where the scales of his chest armour meet the lower edge of his great helm. The steel-tipped missile fails to penetrate; it shatters harmlessly on impact and the pieces tumble away into the chasm (erase this Arrow from your Action Chart).

Having now tested his armour, you are in no rush to close for combat with this enemy. If at all possible you would still prefer to use your skills to defeat him at a distance.

(I use KA)

You raise your right hand and utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand. Moments later a bolt of crackling energy leaps from your palm and hits the towering warrior squarely in the chest. He shudders momentarily, but the power and impact of the spell prove insufficient to topple him from this narrow beam of rock and he quickly recovers.

The warrior retaliates by raising his black sword and releasing a crackling surge of electrical energy from its tip. It passes over your head and earths itself to the end of the stone beam, at the place where it joins the chasm wall. You feel a jolt beneath your feet as the beam cracks and breaks away from the wall and, to your amazement, you watch as this solid spar of rock curls up and slowly rolls in towards you, like a snake’s tongue returning to its mouth.

The coiled beam retracts towards the mouth of the dragon-gate, forcing you nearer and nearer to the fearsome black warrior. As he watches your reluctant approach he swings his mighty sword above his head, slicing and stabbing at the air with it in eager anticipation of the coming fight. When you are pushed to within ten yards of the gate itself, you reach for your own weapon and brace yourself for a fight that seems unavoidable.

(I use the Sommerswerd)

You unsheathe your magical sword and a halo of light engulfs its razor-sharp blade, illuminating the surrounding gloom of the chasm. The towering warrior roars with anger as the light from your sword washes over him; it is as if its goodly glow is causing him great pain. He bellows a phrase in the Dark Tongue and suddenly his broadsword is sheathed with a black fire that crackles and spits venomously. Then the cruel dagger clenched in his left hand begins to glow red. When its poisoned tip becomes white hot it emits a trail of noxious steam.

With a maniacal yell the warrior raises both of his weapons and strides forward, stabbing and slicing wildly as he advances upon you. The first blow from his sword hits your blade with such power that you are thrown back as far as the coiling tongue of rock will allow. You recover quickly then launch yourself forward in a swift and desperate attempt to seize the combat advantage.


This warrior is immune to all forms of psychic attack. Remember to add the appropriate bonus to your COMBAT SKILL whilst using your magical sword for the duration of this combat

(I only get a +4 CS vs him. I toss 4, 6, 3, and then 8. Finally a 5 finishes him off. I took 15 damage)

Your killing blow sends the warrior tumbling from the stone beam to plummet headlong into the yawning black chasm. A ring of fire bursts around him as he falls, illuminating the distant base of this vast pit which is filled with a sea of black flame. You observe his fall with a sense of grim satisfaction until you suddenly become aware that you are still in mortal danger. The tongue of rock is continuing to roll steadily towards the dragon-gate, and unless you hurry to enter this glowing portal you risk being crushed to death in its stony coils.

( I have EP left)
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-14-2020 at 07:05 PM.
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