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Old 08-10-2016, 08:57 PM   #490
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
‘In the name of the gods!’ splutters Nathor, spilling liqueur down the front of his tunic. ‘What was that?’

A knot of fear tightens in the pit of your stomach. ‘A Kraan,’ you reply, recognizing at once the fell cry of this unwelcome creature.

You hurry to a window and see the large, bat-like Kraan silhouetted against the moon. A man-sized rider clings precariously to the creature’s reptilian back as it swoops and soars among the hills and gullies.

‘You had best come away from the window, my Lord,’ replies an anxious Nathor, ‘lest it detect your presence here.’

You take heed of the Lord Constable’s advice and retreat from the window. Furthermore, you use your Magnakai skill of Psi-screen to shield your mind in case the Kraan rider is able to employ psychic abilities to locate your presence.

‘It is not the first time it has come,’ says Rasbarin. ‘Every night for the past ten days we’ve heard it circling the hills. Sometimes there is more than one of its kind.’ He suggests that you bunk in the cellar of the monastery where you may be safer from detection, and you accept his offer gladly.

For hours the sound of the Kraan’s incessant cry echoes among the surrounding hills, making it difficult for you to sleep at all this night. As you lie awake listening to its ghastly caw, a sense of foreboding invades your mind and, despite your strong will, you feel powerless to overcome it. Restless and agitated, you get up and pace around the cellar until, at last, the cawing ceases and a chorus of bird song ushers in the dawn (lose 3 ENDURANCE points because of lack of rest).

You join the troop for breakfast with Rasbarin and his brothers. During this meal, the elderly monk offers you a Flask of Aquas to fortify you on the road ahead, and a Talisman of Ishir to ward off hostile creatures (these are both Backpack Items). After breakfast, Nathor thanks Rasbarin for his hospitality and makes a donation of 50 Lune to his monastery. (If, before leaving, you too would like to make a donation, erase from your Action Chart the number of Gold Crowns you decide to give to the holy Vaderish Brethren.)

(I take both and donate 5 crowns)

Overhead the sun gleams like a jewel in the clear blue sky, and the early morning air bites with a refreshing sharpness which helps to revive your spirits. A layer of thick frost covers the stony trail from the monastery, and it scrunches loudly under the horses’ hooves as you make your careful descent. Soon you rejoin the east road and follow it, through a series of shallow gorges, to a thick pine forest where the ground is covered with mossy rocks. Here the road ascends to a crest where a pall of black smoke stains the cloudless sky. As you approach the crest, you suddenly sense danger ahead and shout a warning to Nathor. He commands the troop to halt while you go ahead to assess the situation.
Beyond the crest you see a broad valley with steeply wooded sides. At its centre there is a village and a large stone building which, when you magnify your vision, you determine to be a church. The roof of this building is ablaze and several bodies lie dotted around its cultivated grounds and gardens. You signal to Nathor to join you and, when he arrives upon the crest, he is able to identify the burning church.

‘That’s Pinepeaks Abbey,’ he says, his voice stilted with anxiety. ‘They are in trouble—we must help them.’

He calls his men to come forward and, before you can caution him, he leads them at the gallop down the steep trail which descends towards the valley floor. Cursing his impetuosity, you spur your steed onward and follow in his wake. You have covered less than half a mile when suddenly your Magnakai sense of Divination screams a warning—the troop is riding directly into an ambush.

Desperately you shout for Nathor to halt but your command goes unheeded. Then, from out of the surrounding pines, there comes a volley of arrows and spears. One spear penetrates deep into your horse’s flank, killing him instantly.

(I roll a 6)

Your slain horse crashes to the ground and you are thrown through the air. You land among the boulders and bracken which border the hill road, but your swift Kai reflexes prevent you from sustaining serious injury: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

Bruised but unshaken, you spring to your feet in time to see a yelling horde of leather-clad men, each brandishing a sword or a spear, come rushing from hiding places among the surrounding trees. As they close in upon you, you draw your weapon and prepare to fight for your life.

Eldenoran Ambushers: COMBAT SKILL 38 ENDURANCE 42

(An 8 finishes them off in one round – I’m not even using the bonus to CS from Kai-Surge to force me to lose a EP. )
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