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Old 07-31-2016, 12:28 PM   #443
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
You manage to regain control of the raft and, at length, you reach the far side of the river and disembark safely. A stony trail runs along the bank, heading north, and you follow it with high hopes of reaching Lake Vorndarol before sunset. All day the sun blazes supreme in a cloudless sky and waves of heat create a shimmering, distorted view of the trail ahead. The distant horizon is streaked with myriad colours and the dry air crackles with electricity, a legacy of last night’s violent storm. Late in the afternoon you come to the ruins of an ancient settlement and stop here to allow your horse to rest awhile in the shade.

(Yes, I have Grand Pathsmanship)

You sense that you are not alone; you can feel the presence of another living creature close by. Silently you draw your weapon and set off on foot to investigate. Your Kai senses lead you directly to a derelict hut on the perimeter of this ancient settlement. You call out, demanding whoever is inside to show himself, but there is no reply. You repeat your demand but again it goes unanswered. With weapon raised you rush in through the door, expecting to have to fight a skulking brigand or an Acolyte of Vashna, but you find neither. You are confronted instead by something wholly unexpected.

In the far corner of this hovel are a man and a woman. They are huddled close together, wide-eyed and shivering with fear. Their once-fine clothes are tattered and caked with mud, and in their midst you see that they are cradling an infant who is clearly sick with fever. You lower your weapon and offer them an assurance that you mean them no harm but, even though you can tell that they understand your words, they still look at you with terror in their eyes.

You sheathe your weapon and hold out your open palms to show that you have no intention of harming them. They seem to respond to this gesture and they allow you to approach and examine their sickly child. You tell them that you can help their son and, using your innate healing skills, you place your hands upon the boy’s chest and let your Kai power flow through into his fever-wracked body. Within a few moments he stirs to consciousness and gives a healthy cry; you have saved his life.

Tearful with gratitude, the boy’s parents kiss your hands and thank you with all their hearts for saving their child’s life. The man asks if there is anything they can do to help you in return and you respond by asking who they are, and how they came to be hiding here.

You learn that they once lived in the hamlet of Vorn where the man, whose name is Bayan, made a humble but honest living fishing the waters of Lake Vorndarol. Then one fateful night, some weeks ago, the Acolytes of Vashna came and destroyed Vorn. They managed to escape with their lives but they fear that the rest of their community were slaughtered in the attack, or perished in the dreadful storms which followed. For the past few weeks they have been hiding in the hills to avoid the acolytes and the marauding bands of robbers who have come from Vakovar looking for loot.

You tell them that you have been sent here by President Kadharian to find out what is going on at Lake Vorndarol. Bayan replies that he knows a safe route through the hills which leads directly to the ruins of his old home. He says he is willing to act as your guide and you accept his offer gratefully.


Bayan says farewell to his wife, warning her to stay hidden here with the child until he returns. She thanks you once more for curing her son and she wishes you a safe journey; then Bayan leads you to another hovel where he has hidden a donkey. It is a stubborn, flea-bitten old ass, but it serves Bayan well as the two of you follow his secret trail into the foothills of the southern Durncrags.

It is a long and tortuous route but it is also a safe one. At dusk you come to a cave whose entrance is hidden by clumps of loose brushwood. Bayan and his family have used it several times over in the past few weeks and they have stocked it with a buried cache of roots and berries. These, together with some live game which you catch at a nearby stream, make for a filling and nutritious meal which you both enjoy before settling down to a long sleep.

You strike camp and set off shortly after dawn. Come mid-morning, you arrive at a high pass from where you see Lake Vorndarol for the first time. You call on your Magnakai skill of Huntmastery to intensify your vision and, as your view of the lake grows sharper and clearer, you make out the ruins of Vorn on the southern shore. The hamlet is blackened and desolate, but it is not without signs of life. There are men moving around in the streets, and a square-rigged boat is moored at the quay.

Bayan is anxious for his family’s safety and keen to return to them now that he has guided you to within sight of Vorn. You thank him for his help and offer him some money which he gratefully accepts. Pick a number from the Random Number Table (0=10). The number you have chosen is equal to the number of Gold Crowns you give to Bayan. If you have insufficient money, you must give him all the Gold Crowns you have, plus an item from your Backpack.

(I rolled 16 crowns, I have 34 left)
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