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Old 07-19-2016, 12:39 PM   #449
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Colonization Briefing: Inquisitor Roe Laren

As always, others are encouraged to chime in. I'm definitely open to waiting longer than usual here since we've been out of action for approaching two weeks now.

Pursuant to established economic priorities, the Collective continues to seek a balanced approach of roughly equal numbers of established and developing worlds. With the annexation of three Kroll planets just over three years ago, and the diversion of resources into the war and away from colonization for some years, that number is still unbalanced leaving expansion a continuous goal. We have 16 planets, only 2 of which are still in the development phase.

The options available to us at this point are listed below, with associated maps for reference.

** Izval -- This is the lower section of occupied Kroll space, near the Djomar border. It is the only colonizable planet in the region. This is not a economic boon by any means(size 14 Arctic) but would give us additional border push against both the Djomar and the remains of the Kroll.

** Core Density -- Three worlds near the Grasping Claw Nebula which houses Humboldt and our other core worlds could still be expanded to. Impal Tov(25, Arctic) is by far the best as a max-size world, with Ferathon(11, Arctic) and Pavagh(12, Ocean) much smaller.

** Ibannic Veil -- This is the nebula well beyond our territory, just before the fallen empire outwards in our arm of the galaxy. There is significant space between the Perj Sector(Khamb, etc.) and here, none of which holds planets we can presently settle. There is no immediate strategic importance here - nobody else has access to this space except the fallen empire which could care less about it. There are a couple of lucrative planets here though. Tediss(24, Ocean) is the best untapped world we know of, and Ustir(22, Arctic) would make a good sector 'partner' for it.

** Outer Arctic Minors -- It is quite likely that we will eventually want to consolidate the Haribas and Outer Rim sectors, shown here, into a single sector. To do so, we'll need to extend our borders as they are not contiguous right now. The best way to do so would be colonizing Edasich and Neshmet, both size-12 Artic planets. Rana would extend a bit of push in the other direction, but is a much more dubious candidate as a tiny size-9 Arctic.

** Beyond Saiph -- Shown in the upper portion here is the lucrative and recently settled Saiph system, with the Uldrugg colony. In this section there are a variety of worlds available to be colonized. Listed by their proximity to Saiph, they are Khagaton(13, Ocean), Quannaga(13, Arctic), Rantor(20, Arctic), Yssom(9, Ocean), and Nekkar(19, Arctic). Rantor would be the best economic choice, Nekkar and Yssom for strategic push against the Qravadox just beyond this. In particular, Nekkar, which will soon be cleared of a horde of mining drones once the Fist of Boojie receives its initial cruiser complement, would serve as a first step in keeping the path around the Qravadox to the left open. There are two free Continental worlds further down that way(equally suitable to Arctics for us) but we have not yet researched colonizing techniques for that type of planet. Survey efforts continue at the present, and things could change here if they find another habitable planet along that strip.

We have plenty of 'administrative overhead' for expansion, with only 4 of our current 6 sector slots having been used. Inquisitor Roe Laren, where should our next few colony ships go? You are now on the clock.
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