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Old 07-05-2016, 02:05 AM   #439
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006

2251.06.01 -- Physics lab upgrade finished on Humboldt. Once again our homeworld is completely up to date.

06.04 -- Science lab ready on Bakangi. It will be upgraded to focus on physics study.

06.26 -- Toxic kelp cleared on Agglor. A new science lab, eventually for physics as well, is begun.

07.17 -- Science lab finished on Eskogg. This one will begin upgrading to an Engineering Facility.

08.02 -- A second spaceport in the Kroll area, this one at Roknim Mog(Deteenal system) is begun.

08.08 -- A new alien contact near Qravadox space. Designated 'Lamedh', they will be researched immediately.

09.01 -- The latest colony ship is finished and begins the journey to Saiph. This is several jumps beyond Haribas, but as a max-size(25) ocean world, it is well worth it.

09.03 -- Crystalline elites engaged in Chi Draconis.

09.22 -- Physics Lab operational on Bakangi, and begins the final upgrade.

11.19 -- The battle in Chi Draconis is over. We have won once again, but it was more costly this time with the loss of nine corvettes.

11.23 -- Eskogg finishes an Engineering Facility. The planet will now clear a province of toxic kelp to make way for new construction.

2252.01.05 -- Agglor finishes a science lab, and sets to upgrade it to a Physics Lab.

01.10 -- Physics Lab upgrade finished on Bakangi, leaving the planet presently up to date again.

02.04 -- War in the core -- the Bhenn'Tell Imperium has commenced hostilities with the Uthonian Star Coalition.

02.08 -- Communications decoded and first contact with the Scyldari Confederacy, a small empire on the other side of the Qravadox. They look a lot like the Kroll, and are not large enough or close enough to warrant much attention.

02.21 -- Toxic kelp cleared on Eskogg, and a new mining network is started.

06.01 -- Construction of the first cruiser(Arziban class) is begun at Maghama Spaceport. The Fist of Boojie awaits reinforcements in Haribas, due to the number of losses sustained in the last battle and the similar if not greater strength of the remaining cluster of elite crystalline entities it will be taking on next.

06.17 -- First physics lab upgrade done on Agglor, and a second one initiated.

07.18 -- Eskogg finishes a mining network, and sets for an upgrade.

09.02 -- First set of debris analyzed in Chi Draconis, with a moderate amount of progress on Crystal-Forged Plating resulting.

10.03 -- A rare survey result worth mentioning: Dr. Tarc's report on the Yobhanir system, just outside Qravadox space, has been filed. Demonstrated mineral reserves there are almost twice as much as any other known system(16 total). A large habitable planet is there as well, unfortunately it is a continental world which have not yet developed the ability to settle. There are also yet two infested systems that would need to be cleared as they are on the journey there.

10.22 -- First contact with an empire styling themselves the Tuxcan Union. They are part of a trio on the opposite side of the galaxy.

11.05 -- A second cruiser(Selubian class) is begun at Humboldt Spaceport.

11.24 -- Mining Network upgrade finished on Eskogg, the third system to make it back to fully up-to-date since the war.

11.29 -- Five days later, Agglor reaches the same stage after a Physics Lab upgrade. All four core planets are now where they need to be for the time being.

12.06 -- Second debris field in Chi Draconis analyzed, with progress made in both variants of the crystal plating.

2253.01.06 -- Observation station is operational in the Edasich system, near Haribas, our furthermost colony in the outer arm. The planet that will be studied is known as Cinfinev viba-Filavv, more specifically the fungoid species known as the Caphevad, an Iron Age civilization. There will be a spelling quiz later. A policy of Aggressive Observation, including the regular collecting of and experimentation on live specimens, will add significantly to our understanding of the life sciences(+6 Society research per month).

02.01 -- First cruiser finished at Maghama, and it will head to join the rest of the fleet. Another of the Norgites class will be started at the same time. The Fist of Boojie will resume combat operations once it has one of each class, allowing us a chance to see how they fare.

02.08 -- Another report from Dr. Tarc. This is interesting, but other than a boost to his personal knowledge it has no practical benefits.

03.08 -- The last of the Chi Draconis debris fields have been analyzed. As a result we have finished work on Crystal-Forged Plating, the better of the two types. All combat ship classes have had their designs upgraded to include these due to their clear superiority over all other options, and upgrading will commence immediately. While the shields have been removed or mostly so, hull strength of corvettes have been increased by 75%(scouts not included as the increased power is more useful for them), destroyers by 75%, and cruisers by 56-75%.

It will take almost three months minerals to fund the upgrades, but frankly it's probably bargain at several times the price.

03.27 -- The Hakibori and Ul'Tur are at war again. Time will tell if this time ends in anything more significant than the previous ineffective conflict.

06.10 -- The Emancipation Faction has radicalized several slaves, causing them to switch to the Malcontents. It's time to consider taking some form of action at this point, or there will be further consequences ...
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