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Old 06-27-2016, 11:51 PM   #407
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: The State of Insanity
"... If you want peace, prepare for war." A lesser species spat that out in a dead language, but the lesson it provides is true.

High Inquisitor, fellow Architreuthis, we face an opportunity unmatched in our interstellar history. Our fleet is strong, and thanks to the activities of our research bretheren, in the coming years, it will only become stronger, with bigger ships, and better weaponry.

There is a part of me that says we should wait for a "Better" opportunity. One where we know all the variables that could affect us, and victory is assured before we even set forth.

But that is not Boojie's way. If that part of me was dominant, we would have never unified our homeworld, never ventured out into the great dark that is our Universe. We would never have made contact with alien species, never brought new species to the light of Boojie's grace. We would have never taken the bounty of technology that the derelict ships have provided us.

"Too much can go wrong! We invite unintended consequences!". You may say.

It is a risk, I admit. But at this time in our history, a risk is exactly what we need to take. We have a strong shipbuilding industry, even before our new designs come online. We are at a point where our losses in battle can be made good fairly quickly, as seen by our battles with the crystalline entities.

We may not have such an opportunity again. I say, we take the opportunity and bring Boojie's light to the galaxy!

(an aging admiral, pleading for a war. Sounds familiar, don't it? - Foz)
Check out Foz's New Video Game Site, An 8-bit Mind in an 8GB world!

Last edited by SirFozzie : 06-27-2016 at 11:51 PM.
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