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Old 06-27-2016, 04:29 PM   #405
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
So it shall be done, Inquisitor.


2245.02.07 -- The Fist of Boojie departs Raggani Spaceport, headed for the first crystal cluster in Cipollan near the edge of the Ibannic Veil.

03.01 -- With the arrival of Asimov, a new Scout-class corvette has been designed. Its purpose is to keep watch on points of interest beyond our territory, especially in the territory of other empires such as the present war involving the Ul-Tur. One of the changes is that ships with excess power gain a bonus to a few aspects, including evasion. This makes a dedicated scout ship more relevant. The Scout class uses the utility-heavy Shifter module with a single small mining laser only for its weaponry.

Three are built at Humboldt and possibly more coming. As the science ships delve into Kroll space and beyond, the scouts will be deployed to strategic systems to extend our sensor range.

03.22 -- Minor advances in Red Crystal Capacitors achieved by debris analysis.

04.03 -- Biolab II upgrade finished on Bakangi. A new basic science lab is initialized.

06.23 -- Crystalline elites engaged in the Cipollan system.

06.30 -- Debris analysis results in completion of Red Crystal Capacitors, which are now available to the fleet for future designs.

07.25 -- Eskogg is the third planet to begin the Planetary Capital upgrade process.

08.09 -- Science lab finished on Bakangi, and will now upgrade to a Physics Lab, that being the field by far in the most need of additional resources.

09.01 -- The colony ship Ugascha is finished and departs for the second moon of Haribas I.

09.11 -- The most epic battle by far the Collective has yet waged is over in the Cipollan system. Admiral SirFozzie led the Fist of Boojie to victory yet again, and has been promoted to ****. The eight-week engagement resulted in considerable losses however, though not quite as much as I expected. A sixth of the ships were lost, eight corvettes and a pair of raiders. All of the larger ones survived. A lengthy hiatus for repair and replacements is expected.

Here's a shot of what the battle looked like partway through. The crystals and their ordnance are so very multi-colored ...

10.04 -- Planetary Capital finished on Humboldt. A Biolab upgrade is next. There is also enough surplus food on the homeworld to eventually replace one of the provincial farms with something else.

10.12 -- Final debris field in Ustir analyzed with no significant results.

10.26 -- An early space age civilization has been discovered in the outer arm, far beyond even the Haribas colonies but a possible subject of study or annexation in the future.

11.01 -- Urgent scouts report: wormhole stations discovered in Djomar territory. If they are a wormhole-traveling race, they need not follow hyperlanes. Furthermore, we have yet to discover any Kroll military vessels, even in their home system! Perhaps they are all busy with the Ul-Tur? More scout ships are spreading throughout Kroll territory to confirm these initial reports, while the fleet continues its journey back for repairs ...

11.06 -- Scout Alpha reports a transport fleet in the Krolldar system(Kroll homeworld). It will be followed to see what they are up to ...

11.27 -- Physics Lab upgrade finished on Bakangi.

12.21 -- A new corvette has been built by the Kroll in the Bakom system. Scout Charlie reports that warp drive signatures have been seen. This confirms that they don't need to follow hyperlanes. It doesn't mean they necessarily have the range to reach Ul-Tur space, but judging by the lack of ships in their own territory, their navy has to have gone somewhere ...

Slavery & Factions

Now that things have had time to sort themselves out somewhat, we have five factions. None of the dissenting factions have any support yet, so we need not concern ourselves over-much, but here's how it lays out.

** Loyalists -- As a reminder, these are those toeing the line, committed to the Collective, etc. 62 of 87 pops, over 70%, are in this category.

** Docile Slaves -- This is the 'good' slave faction.
Members -- 15 pops
Demand(s): Regulated Slavery -- A new policy option which halves the bonus for slave mineral/food production but appeases them with certain minimal comforts.
Effects: These are what a faction can do if they continue to gain support and get out of hand. They progress in stages as the support for the faction increases. The Docile Slaves progress from Unrest(Dis-satisfied voices reduce happiness and production on a slave-worked planet) to Violent Mobs(Dissatisfied slaves abandon their work and get into violent confrontation with other pops) to Radicalization(several slaves switch to the Malcontent Slaves, who are more dangerous)
Attractiveness: The relative appeal of the faction, compared to Loyalists. The Docile Slaves are at 143.

** Malcontent Slaves -- This is the 'bad' slave faction, and is unfortunately growing in number
Members -- 7, was originally at 1-2.
Demand(s) -- Freedom
Effects -- Interstellar Railroad(several slaves are smuggled out of the empire), Slave Riots(widespread destruction, Slave Revolt(each Malcontent pop forms a single army and attempts to liberate their planet by force)
Attractiveness -- 197

** Emancipation Movement
Members -- 2
Demands -- Free All Slaves(um, no?)
Effects -- Stoking the Fire(radicalization and arming of slave pops. I assume this strengthens the Malcontent faction)
Attractiveness -- 70

** Kroll Border Sovereignty Army
Members -- 1
Demands -- Independence for the Kroll Border Sector
Effects -- Consolidate Support(increase support by changing the ethos or lowering happiness of other pops), Strike(reduces output on a planet), Riots(a provincial building is ruined), Rebellion(Like the Slave Revolts, each member of the faction generates an army for armed conflict aimed at independence)
Attractiveness -- 40

I should emphasize here that we are not in danger of any of these nasty effects taking place yet. Each faction has to get support behind it before it can do these things. It's just something to monitor at this stage. Also, I will pause for a decision on the war once the fleet is back in the core systems and repaired(it's nearly back to Raggani spaceport, but must repair and travel a few more jumps after that, etc.)

Last edited by Brian Swartz : 06-27-2016 at 04:34 PM.
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