Thread: running journal
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Old 05-23-2016, 10:32 PM   #9
General Manager
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Chicago
I've probably logged about 3-5 practice halves, and none of them have been in same range as my real runs. The first two half races I ran last year (two weeks apart from me; I'm a dumbass) I felt like I died pretty hard on the final 5k, but was able to stay (more or less) on the pace I set over the first ten miles. The training right now is to help me feel better about those final 5k of the half. I don't want to be fresh as a daisy at the end of one of those races, but I do want to feel like I've trained appropriately to pace myself throughout. And, ideally, have something left when I'm looking to close out the run.

At the start of the year I set a goal of 1:47:00 for a half marathon this year. That would represent about 3 minutes off my PR, and nine minutes better than the run last weekend. I anticipate running my half marathons in mid-July and late August, so I had better get to work on adjusting to heat if I want to not only PR, but hit those goal times.

Last edited by hoopsguy : 05-23-2016 at 10:32 PM.
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