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Old 12-05-2003, 09:56 AM   #208
Rider Of Rohan
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Port Angeles, WA or Helm's Deep
Stage 1: Take-off

Right out of the toy shed the Even team had problems. The lead deer (Blitzen & Dancer) struggled with their take-offs, but the real disappointments were Yuletide and Evergreen, who normally excel in that area. Egg Nog and Sugarplum aced the lift-off, and helped cover for the others, but the takeoff was still poor.

Once in the air, Dancer really cranked it, blasting through the swirling snow with both speed and power that partner Blitzen could not match. Yuletide, perhaps ashamed of his poor start, rallied with both his speed & power. Egg Nog must have shot his bolt, because he tanked the rest of the take-off phase. Sugarplum and Dasher raced along without pulling much in the power department, and really struggled with the snow. Northwind fared satisfactorily, but Evergreen virtually mailed it in.

Overall, the team did not work very well together as a unit, and the Take-off rated a pathetic [-18] score.

If the Evens take-off was poor, the Odds was an outright disaster. Cupid slipped and fell, which had a ripple effect behind him as Jingle Bells and Clarisse both stumbled. Moderate take-off success by the rest of the team could not overcome this mess. As they climbed into the sky, the lead deer’s speed and power were both poor (although they carried the team in facing the thick snow). Moonbeam in particular was a star in this respect, but he – like the bulk of the team – were quite hindered by the blizzard. Clarisse and Donner really struggled to add anything. Though Vlad’s speed was impressive, both he and Buck failed to provide the power they were expected to.

As expected, the Odds’ teamwork buoyed them up, but it was still a horrid start, ending in a [-27] score.

* * * *
Overall Score
Evens: -18
Odds: -27

Admittedly, this was a brutal start, but don’t lose heart!

Declare your magic (Odds first) for the Flight phase of Stage 1.
It's not the's the mileage.
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