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Old 03-23-2016, 05:02 PM   #89
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Excellent. There is an issue you(and many others I'm sure) could potentially help me out on. In about a month real-life time, at the end of the current game year and we've just reached Roland Garros, I will be getting my first trainer. For those that already use them, some stuff will be different I'm sure due to faster/slower game worlds and whatnot, but I'm curious what you've learned about trainers through the process? Specifically anything that might not have been obvious at first? I'm curious if there are any insights, have some thoughts of my own that I'm working on and I'll do a longer post on it when the time comes, but I'm looking forward to going trainer more and more, partly because it's been a relatively crappy year on the courts for my players this year.
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