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Old 01-05-2016, 03:58 PM   #457
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Raleigh, NC
The vet visit was just a confirmation of Josh's failing health and so he was put to sleep. We had all said our good-byes as the day went on before I took him in. It's been hard for me especially as he was "my kitty" in a sense as I picked him out way back in 1998. I've been pretty calm a lot of the time, but then it'll hit me and I get pretty emotional. It's also been touching to see my own kids and how they spent their last days with him, knowing he won't be around for them anymore. Both the older ones are grieving in their own ways. The baby is too young to likely remember him as she grows older, though we do have plenty of pictures of him to show her. Regardless, we are all sad to have lost him.

RIP Josh. I'll miss you.

April 12, 1998 - January 5, 2016
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