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Old 01-01-2016, 05:09 PM   #1
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: The State of Insanity
Are you more willing to accept Digital Downloads only?

I mentioned this in my blog thread, but I think we're at a tipping point where digital downloads for consoles convenience is going to be starting to dominate the video game market the way Steam has dominated PC gaming with digital downloaded.

I mean we're at the point now where a major boxed game release can be nothing more than a steam code and a small installer on CD that registers the game in steam and sets up the download.

Video Game Companies would love it, I'm pretty sure that Sony/Microsoft take a lower cut of the purchase price than Gamestop does. Plus they lock out the used game market (Anyone remember the $10 EA "reactivation" fee plan?) with digital downloads.

To me, PS+ and Games with Gold are just the gateway to folks accepting the convenience of digital downloads and softening the "You no longer buy our game, you buy a license to play the game" rule. I'm not saying it's a bad thing.. (being able to quit out of one game and load another without having to get up, switch disks, etcetera is a good thing).. but I'm wondering if the X1's plan to be always online with activation was just a couple years ahead of its time, compared to what we'll be seeing by 2020.

I'm thinking this is the last physical media generation for consoles, and soon, Gamestop and its ilk will be things of the past.

But I wanted to get more opinions.. have the ease of use and convenience of digital downloads convinced you to go less disc based? And did the Steam model convince you it was ok?
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