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Old 10-26-2015, 09:15 AM   #337
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
While I have not committed to such an approach (and suspect I lack the discipline to do so), I find the logic here pretty interesting and relevant to this conversation:

Why I am a Pegan – or Paleo-Vegan – and Why You Should Be Too! - Dr. Mark Hyman

Here’s what that looks like.

Focus on the glycemic load of your diet. This can be done on a vegan or paleo diet, but harder on a vegan diet. Focus on more protein and fats. Nuts (not peanuts), seeds (flax, chia, hemp, sesame, pumpkin), coconut, avocados, sardines, olive oil.
Eat the right fats. Stay away from most vegetable oils such as canola, sunflower, corn, and especially soybean oil which now comprises about 10 percent of our calories. Focus instead on omega 3 fats, nuts, coconut, avocados and yes, even saturated fat from grass fed or sustainably raised animals.
Eat mostly plants – lots of low glycemic vegetables and fruits. This should be 75 percent of your diet and your plate. I usually make 2 to 3 vegetable dishes per meal.
Focus on nuts and seeds. They are full of protein, minerals, and good fats and they lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Avoid dairy – it is for growing calves into cows, not for humans. Try goat or sheep products and only as a treat. And always organic.
Avoid gluten – Most is from Franken Wheat – so look for heirloom wheat (Einkorn); if you are not gluten sensitive, then consider it an occasional treat.
Eat gluten-free whole grains sparingly– they still raise blood sugar and can trigger autoimmunity.
Eat beans sparingly – lentils are best. Stay away from big starchy beans.
Eat meat or animal products as a condiment, not a main course. Read The Third Plate by Dan Barber to understand how shifts in our eating habits could save the environment and ourselves. Vegetables should take center stage and meat should be a side dish.
Think of sugar as an occasional treat – in all its various forms (i.e., use occasionally and sparingly).

Last edited by QuikSand : 10-26-2015 at 09:18 AM.
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