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Old 10-22-2015, 02:00 PM   #58
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
I'm now back to this point at what is I think my fourth attempt here. A couple of different things happened yesterday(day 14). The first is that I've done somewhat better money-wise; a few more citations but not many, but I've gotten better at finding quick disqualifiers on applicants to get the search/detain options moving faster, so I've gone through a few more of them. I actually moved the family into a Class 7 apartment at the first time of asking on this playthrough just last night; this required going hungry though and leaves us with a bare $15 left after the $100 moving fee. So it's a precarious situation and I was conflicted about whether it was a good idea, but ultimately took the plunge. I can't afford a bad day today though.

I also accidentally aided the 'Order'. I missed a mismatched photo, after which the lady said 'Glory to Arstotzka and the Order' as she entered. I have inadvertently aided the terrorist organization known as EZIC. They didn't take long: the 'Truth of Arstotka' had as their second headline this morning this:

** Head Minister of Finance Missing: Markets React with Quick Selling, Instability.

And so I assume today we will now find out whether or not I can do any better at disabling the bomb, now that I know what's coming ....
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