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Old 10-18-2015, 06:20 PM   #404
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The wall behind the Reaper disappeared and they begin to head down the pathway. Kara tells Alzar about a trapper in the floor of the corridor beyond a certain point. In order to get past it, Alzar slips on the Slippers of Spider Walking, returns Aleph to the Warp Marble, and Azzil can fly over it for around 30 feet until it ends.

There is a room at the end of the pathway that is quite disorienting. It’s a large black tone, and the room spins on its axis and eight tentacles are here writhing about. Kara tells him that the tentacles have to be slain in order to stop the spinning.

Alzar casts Evard’s Black Tentacles and his unmoving tentacles outnumber theirs considerably, and soon enough the room is cleared out.

9800 XP

There are two trap rooms off this one - and Alzar avoids them. He uses the chaos key to rotate the room to the right direction as per Kara’s instruction and they move up a set a stairs. A there are thirteen large stair, and each stair is trapped - there are 13 in total. Most have magical traps, which won’t detect in here, like one is coasted in Oil of Slipperiness. Again, Slippers of Spider Climbing gets Alzar over the traps easily enough, and Kara’s immune to most and aware of the others.

There are great murals and hanging curtains resplendent with scenes of the Lords of Chaos conquering realms and breaking the thrones and implements of law ,being cheered on by the masses.

They reach the throne room and main temple

The doors swing open and there is a room 90 by 170 with pillars of black marble along the wall, with a giant inlaid sword on the floor, a small dais, with an old, wizened man hunched over on it with a scepter, inhand, there is a great altar to chaos here with various symbols, and carven into the ceiling are runes that are a hymn to the glory of chaos. There is a scintillating fire on the inlaid sword about 30 feet long that is shifting hues constantly. Braziers to each side of the altar give off incense and aroma.

When Alzar enters, the ancient priest:

“Greetings brave ones. I am Tumbaric the Undying, Master of Doom, High Priest of this holy fane. Long have I served the Great Ones, awaiting those who would take up this mantle. I am pleased that you have come - I do get so few guests here these days. By reaching this chamber you have proven yourself fit to serve the Lords of Chaos. At least I can lay my long burden down, knowing the Scepter of Chaos has passed into worthy hands.”

Once again, Alzar declines the offer for taking up the mantle of Chaos. The High Priest looks at him oddly and tries to convince him of the value of Chaos. For a good 30 minutes the last Priest-King of Chaos tries to prostelyze Alzar. But it’s to no avail, and soon enough, he realizes that Alzar has the faith of his convictions. “As it has always been, thus it shall be”

He hoists the Scepter of Chaos and aims it at a nearby secrets door. It opens and outcome four Spirit Nagas. While he does, Alzar drops the Warp Marble and the Golem appears.

Tumbaric the Undying, Master of Doom, Priest-King of Chaos -

Four allies here too in the Spirit Nagas, which are a major threat:

Spirit Naga - HP 70, 69, 65, 62; AC 4, THAC0 - 11, deal 1d3 + poison to kill, can gaze to petrify, can cast Cure, Missile, Bless, and a few other spells.

These are not a simple quartet of thugs (I have doubled the Nagas, and increased the level of the final bad)

The cleric does not rise from his seat, instead using the Scepter of Chaos to animate the fires on the sword attack if he is not casting spells.

Alzar leads with Time Stop. He moves in and casts Power Word, Kill on a Naga, and then Power Word, Blind on another. Both work. And one is blind, and the other dead. Time resumes and Alzar is near the quartet.

Init -

Tumbaric casts Flame Strike on Alzar
One Naga casts Bless
One Naga casts Protection from Law
The blind Naga tries to attack Alzar

Alzar wants to cast Maze on Tumbaric.
Kara casts Magic Missile on Tumbaric
The golem and imp move to melee range

6 vs 2

Alzar takes 29 damage from the Flame Strike after making a save. He is missed. Badly. Both spells resolve. Alzar spins and Mazes Tumbaric, no save, he’s so smart and such a high level that he’ll return in 2 rounds. He takes 19 damage from Missiles as he leaves.

Next round.

1 vs 7

Alzar’s axe snaps out and he hits twice on the naga that cast Bless. He doles out 38 damage. The golem misses, and Azzil does as well. The blind Naga misses, Alzar is the target of a pair of Magic Missies from both Nagas. His Gem of MM Reflection gest 10 charges used up, Alzar chooses to direct 5 at the wounded Naga and it dies. He heals the other five for5d4+5 - 13 damage

Alzar 63/79

4 vs 9

Alzar and crew slay the remaining unwounded Naga. The blind one is ignored. Alzar orders his group to get near to where Tumeric will appear.

The next round init?

3 vs 4.

The priest returns and Alzar can strike before he casts any spells. Out fly more missiles for 16 damage, and Alzar hits once for 18 with axe and 11 with shield. The golem? Tosses a 7 and misses. Azzil? 8 and misses. Tumeric is still alive, although badly wounded. He casts Word of Recall and disappears.

They finish off the blinded Naga.

20000 XP for Naga

They head through the open door to check things out.
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