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Old 09-29-2015, 01:16 PM   #1
High School Varsity
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Back in the desert
The Babes of Sin City - A TEW 2010 dynasty

I've never been known for making good decisions. It's probably the reason I lost my job in the first place. But desperate times call for desperate measures. The bank account probably has enough to last a couple more months, tops. I don't know why, but Vegas sounded like a good idea at the time.

Roulette has never been my favorite game, but for some reason, that's where I ended up. I wasn't winning much, but I wasn't losing much either. Several glasses of bourbon in, I remembered the reason I came here. I was either going to survive or die on one spin. Everything I had, I placed on 24.

It was then I heard her. "I like a man with guts", she purred. Maybe it was the bourbon, but this was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Put my ex-wife to shame. My fantasies were broken by the dealer calling out "Twelve! Winner twelve!". I had lost everything. Or so I thought.

"What do you do for a living?" the mysterious stranger asked. "Right now, a lot of drinking", I replied. "You had better cut that out if you want to work for me", she said. I was thoroughly confused, and it showed. "Like I said, I like a man with guts. I need someone who is willing to take some chances. I want to hire you."

"Doing what?", I asked. Truth is, as long as I wasn't going to be a prostitute, I would take it. I needed a job. "I own a wrestling promotion. I want you to be my booker." "But I don't know anything about wrestling", I replied. "Don't worry, neither did my last booker, sweetie. Besides, it's not just wrestling. It's more of a risque cabaret show." So I wasn't going to be a prostitute, but this isn't much better. "If you're interested, I'll see you first thing in the morning", she said. "Don't be late, and you better be sobered up by then." With that she handed me her card and walked away.

Honey Golightly. Is that really her name? Is this real, or am I just drunk? Well, I came to Vegas to try and improve my situation. I just never thought I would end up being the booker for Babes of Sin City.

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