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Old 07-21-2015, 06:17 PM   #204
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Green Bay, WI
Originally Posted by SackAttack View Post
1) Used as an adjective rather than an appellation, it's "Democratic," not "Democrat." That's what the party calls itself: "The Democratic Party." They don't, and never have, called themselves "The Democrat Party." Using the pejorative variant pushed by conservative talk radio doesn't do much to make anybody think that you're just an open-minded bloke looking for the truth.

Originally Posted by Dutch View Post
I didn't start this game. I was ask to call them Democratics.

You're either deliberately obtuse (ergo: trolling) or you have a pile of rocks for brains.

"Used as an adjective rather than an appellation." I'm sorry, I appear to have used words bigger than your capacity for mental processing. I'll dumb it down, just in case you really aren't trolling.

"Democratic" is an adjective for the larger collective, the Party. Thus, it is the "Democratic Party." The appellation - to use a smaller word, the name - for an individual member of that party is a "Democrat." A Democrat belongs to the Democratic Party.

Nowhere in there were you asked to refer to individual constituent members of the Party as Democratics. That was your deliberate misreading of the chastisement originally given.

Now, are we done here? Are you ready to use proper words like a big boy, or should I just assume that you're a worthless troll and not worth taking seriously? Because really, those are the options. If you insist on using the petty "Democrat Party" and "Democratics" pejoratives (I'm sorry, that word may be too big for you: insults) to refer to your political rivals, I can't take anything you have to say, no matter how much common sense it does or does not contain, seriously.
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