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Old 07-21-2015, 05:08 PM   #202
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Northern Kentucky
Originally Posted by SackAttack View Post
Because the thing is, he's not acting in the best interest of the taxpayers. To the extent THAT'S a thing, it's superficial.

Look, he enacts Act 10 to bust the public unions, especially the teachers. He pushes for repeated cuts to education spending. You know what REALLY drives employers wild and makes them want to move to a state? Hint: It's not attacking the education system. They want an educated workforce that can do the shit they need done. So, yay, people save a median of 70 bucks on property taxes, but the damage done to the rest of the state infrastructure is incalculable.

Additionally, and this bears repeating with a loud fucking megaphone, the teachers' union AGREED TO EVERY FINANCIAL CONCESSION WALKER ASKED FOR. The ONE thing they disagreed with was the complete neutering of their collective bargaining rights. They have no rights, in the state of Wisconsin, to bargain for ANYTHING outside of cost-of-living raises anymore. Not one. Damned. Thing. The financial concessions the governor said were essential to saving the state, the teachers agreed to. But that wasn't enough for him.

Now, moving forward five years, you talk about him acting in the best interests of the taxpayers?

Just what do you call it when the governor proposes cutting higher education funding by $300 million and taking out $300 million in loans that the state won't begin to repay for 13 years, to pay for a new basketball arena for billionaire ownership that doesn't want to fund it themselves? The state will be incurring interest for THIRTEEN YEARS before the first check is written to pay down that debt, and it's to build the Bucks a new arena. Sports facilities are a shell game. They don't ever return the kind of economic benefits sports franchise owners claim they will when they insist cities should foot the bill.

That's what he is fiscally. He's not fiscally conservative, and he CERTAINLY doesn't give a shit about getting "taxpayers" the best deal.

Except in his zeal to cut services, he DID end up overpaying for them. Funding was reduced for things like bridge repair/construction. A bridge here in Green Bay sagged, had to be shut down, and needed emergency repairs conducted at greater cost than what normal maintenance would have been in the first place.

Why? He had tax cuts to hand out, dummy. Who needs things like infrastructure when you can be a tax cut champion?

A big +1.
The Confederacy lost, it is time to dismantle it.
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