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Old 06-25-2015, 12:28 PM   #74
Solecismic Software
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Canton, OH
There's always the argument that we've spent all our money, we've spent all our children's money, and we're starting to work on our grandchildren.

Then we look at Greece and we realize that their grandchildren are unemployed, and they have absolutely no way to support themselves in their old age.

So they appeal to people in other countries, and they hope someone is willing to support them in the lifestyle they budgeted. And when the bigger countries say they're tired of it, they're left with Alexis Tsipras. It may still work, but it's a rough ride right now.

Money is, of course, just paper. The question is how much you can purchase with paper.

Sweden and Norway are wonderful places. But they're very small, they don't need much of a military, and they haven't had to face many of the challenges we face.

Greece was once a paradise, too, and then corrupt politicians realized that they could borrow nearly limitless amounts of cash to buy votes, and pass that bill on to future generations.

And once you start borrowing recklessly, it becomes addictive. No one starts out wanting to take his grandchildren's future away.
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