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Old 05-12-2015, 03:37 PM   #121
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: On Lake Harriet
Originally Posted by Arles View Post
Then again, if you want the anti-Simmons perspective, just head over to deadspin. It's pretty clear that site has some massive Simmons/Grantland envy and is doing everything it can to try and tarnish their name. It makes since, given Grantland is probably one of the bigger competitors to Deadspin and they get a double benefit of tearing down Simmons while getting more eyes on their site pages.

I'm not sure this is true.

Deadspin appears to be playing to what its audience wants to read. It's great popcorn drama, and the audience eats it up. Take a look at what trends on their network.

They are actually fairly complimentary to Grantland most of their articles. (They admittedly don't like Simmons as a writer, but praise him as an editor and as a podcaster.)

More importantly, though, they link to their articles in their own content. If you were trying to tear down your opponent, why would you give them clicks by linking to their articles? The name of the game for blog sites is unique visits and click throughs.
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