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Old 03-30-2015, 08:31 PM   #87
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
He heads over to the Baron, now freed from the possession. Apparently, the Baron was possessed by an evil magic user using magic jar, and then gave orders to open their defenses, and once that happened, a large number of undead came in, led by a high level cleric. Many were killed, most left, and a ghost took possession of his body instead. The only other info he overheard was that the cloud comes from a Deathstone which is somewhere nearby.

Alzar heads out to explore the rest of the keep while the Baron waits and begins to recover.

Alzar finds a ot of dead people, and he comes across an odd mirror, that when the Imp uses Detect magic against instead reveals the image of a person. Alzar casts Dispel Magic, and the image disappears, the person’s body reforms from the bones in front, and the guard captain is restored back to life.

There is a polymorphed cockatrice that Alzar detects with his Star/Gem and uses Polymorph Other on to restore to her form - he restored the Steward too, but she can’t tell him much else, other than a Hammer of Life can destroy the deathstone and it was broken up by a wizard and given to manscorpions to guard. The wizard rides a big blue dragon, and the dragon was given the deathstone. Alzar heads back to double check the corpses and camp of the ones killed here, but nothing else was to be found.

He doesn’t raid any of the items or places he finds in his final tour of the castle. There are no other undead or defenders here, and Alzar heads back out. He grabs the Steward, Guard Captain, King and they Mass Teleport to the King in Alpha, and Alzar drops them off to get healed and interrogated, then Alzar spends the night and relearns his spells and he teleports back in the morning. If he encounters more death leeches, he’d like to have Banishment again, and makes a few changes to his normal spell rotation. He now has Power Word, Banish at 9th level instead of Mass Domination, as one example. He also has some water friendly spells, and expecting a battle with a blue dragon, he has memorized a special answer to it.

He gets the layout of the land in safety from the Baron. About a mile from Skullheim to the northwest is Alicor and about four miles to the northeast is the small mining town of Gollim. Alzar flies over to Alicor to check things out. It’s on the south coast of Westlake.
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