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Old 03-28-2015, 11:23 AM   #52
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Battle has begun. Alzar will cast Time Stop, Polymorph Other, Domination, Animate Dead on the first dead Frost Giant to give him another ally, Power Word Kill, Power Word Stun, Hold Monster, Finger of Death. Meanwhile, his army will be below, moving in to smash and kill the first flank of troops moving in.

Alzar has slayed 34 of the frost giants, his army is destroyed, and covering his retreat with a Skull Trap that takes out 4 more giants and clears a path, Alzar and his golem move to retreat.

He cannot use the elemental summoning items, Horn, or figurines again for a week.

Alzar gains 76k

62 giants left in this band

Alzar levels up, but he’s in the middle of a campaign, so we’ll wait until later.

The next day, Alzar hits the band again, and again leads with the summoned creatures (Elementalsx2, Stalker, Shield-Maidens), uses Evard’s Black Tentacles to slow them down, and then drops Skulltrap from above on a flying carpet, and again launches the auto kill stuff, animated a dead one back to life to harass the team and more. He takes out 16 more giants.

The 46 giants left begin to pull back, and the next day, another 19 die, and they flee and they will run all the way back home. 100 giants removed from the raids.

It’s now the 22nd.

An elf hold in the far east was smashed by a giant group, Alzar teleports to the barbarians and will help them for a bit. The closest group is 150 miles away, and Alzar Mass Teleports a strike team over, himself at the head. Again, he launches the attack, and 13 giants die, and two barbarians do as well.

Alzar and the team will harass the group for two more days, taking out giants from the air with spells (Flying Carpet) or from the ground with summoned creatures, delaying spells like Tentacles, and Blastbones or Skulltrap, with the occasional Vampiric Touch regaining Alzar damage he takes from the occasional hit by a boulder or somesuch.

They have reduced this unit down to 31 giants, and they flee as well, and then Mass Teleports back and Barkar the Red reports to the rest of the group what they did.
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