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Old 11-26-2003, 03:36 PM   #120
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
Mizzourah: Sorry 'bout that. Out of my hands. Hey, at least the Rams made it to the Super Bowl. And I'll bet the real life Steelers would be pretty good, too, if Bettis was running like he could a few years ago, and Maddox was playing like Rich Gannon (last year's version).

tyketime: Yup, one of my goals when I do a dynasty report like this is that it will really put me in touch with the game universe. The players will mean more htan diddly-squat because I'll know who they are and how they did.

As for the playoff matchup screen, I am afraid that is something of my creation, not the game's. You can get at it by hitting the "quote" button below one of my posts with a playoff matchup screen with it, and then simply selecting and copying all the text from one "code" to the next "/code", and pasting it into a text program (I was using Wordpad). Once you save that, you can use it as a template, just filling in the necessaryinformation at the proper points. One thing, though--I have it set up so that the second part of it (the second team) lines up together. So any information you put in the first column must match up length-wise with what's there now, or the second column info will be a space too close or a space too far. I just fixed the differences by adding or subtracting a space in between the columns where necessary. There are no tabs in the format. Anyway, I hope you understand all that (I think if you play with it a bit, you will grow to understand it even if you don't right away). And feel free to use it, I don't mind that.

BTW, most of the information that you type in is readily available, but they don't have total offense or total defense screens. I used a quickie Excel spreadsheet for that.

Anxiety: Thanks. I am glad that it is. I would hate that it wasn't, because then that's a lot of work I did for nothing. I am really looking forward to writing up the offseason, and also to getting back to my team.

I should have more up late, late tonight, but I work up until then and it's going to be a busy night tonight. So you guys won't probably see any of it until Thanksgiving morning (unless you're nighthawks like me ).

Talk to you all soon.


I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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