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Old 01-01-2015, 10:14 AM   #252
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Mar 10, 3064 – It’s time to begin to begin the campaign for the factories. As mentioned before, there are secret plans on how to retake Nanking that the Capellan Confederation drew up which Word of Blake supplied to us. Nanking was independent long ago. It voluntarily joined Capella centuries ago. They had it for quite some time. They built a lot of the structures on the world.

And that includes the Brian Castle right by the factory complex that is used as a HQ and garrison by the 1st FedCom RCT. We have the blueprints and schemes for that huge Brian Castle, and it includes a few secrets the FedCom folk never found out about. We are going to exploit that fact in an extreme manner.

Nanking was originally a trade center for the area, and still had strong metals to mine, including a lot of platinum still around. Imagine if you took the mining economy of Genoa, and slapped a center of trade and a large industrial complex on top of it. We’re making tanks and mechs.

Many of its metals are not fancy ones (gold, silver) but useful ones, like iron and titanium. I

Because of this, Nanking has 6 billion people living here. Most aren’t anywhere near the central Kallon factories. They are in the cold mountains, and Nanking has a cooler climate over all. But it has some strong tectonic action.

In the Star League era, The Brian Castle now defended was built over a large geothermal crevice to help keep the people warm. There are no ways down into the giant crevice, because the builders didn’t want to create a back door into their Castle. So instead they used some small pipes and natural vents and such. We couldn’t penetrate that with anything other than maybe, power armored infantry.

We can’t take a lot of units into the crevice either. It’s way too hot. But that wasn’t the Liao plan. Their plan was to explode the bottom of the Castle, thereby causing a large amount of the castle to drop into the crevice below. It’s not even 100 feet deep in most places. But it’ll break stuff, people, and equipment.

Plus, it’ll be a huge psychological bonus to crack their Castle, their un-penetrable fortress, so powerfully.

We begin to unload the huge explosives we brought from home. Our power armored folks will spend the next few days sneaking in occasionally, adding explosives, in this hidden section of the mountain, and then slipping back out.

We load up our fighters with bombs in case we need the heavy stuff.
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