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Old 11-23-2003, 07:29 PM   #124
Captain Obvious
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Norman, Oklahoma
Okay, i am going to make a few changes with the next set of missions. For starters, I will no longer order a plan to turn back if it can no longer keep in formation. I will drop the bombs, and let it fly the mission out. I think this is more realistic then if I turned the plane around. Also, it should allow for more downed aircraft. There seems to be a bug in the game. If you send a plane back it doesnt fly the whole way back but somehow immediately lands. This should rectify this problem.

Also, I will turn the range of our guns down another 50 yards. This should make for more interesting battles in the sky. Basically this will allow the enemy to get closer before being shot down, and we should see more problems arise.

Flak is already at the highest level, so there isnt much i can do there. However I think that only berlin has the worst flak so not much i can do there short of editing some of the game files.

I am also going to reassign the two crews. One flight group will have all of the lowest number of planes shot down, the other will have the highest. This should allow for some of you guys to actually get some kills. I cant for the life of me figure out if there is any ryhme or reason too who gets the most kills, although it still looks like the guys in the back of the formation score more, I cant be sure.

ALso I dont believe we will end anytime soon. There are plenty of other target to attack. And most of the places we have bombed are still on the map, so they will warrant another round of attacks. I personally think the damage assesment the cpu provides is on the high side, but there is nothing I can do short of assigning my own ratings to the post mission recon. There are still 11 targets that are definately directly involved with the luftwaffe, and another 12 sites that are indirectly involved. There are also approximately 28 other industrial and steel factories, not too mention the 15 or so oil sites. So we still have many things to bomb.

Thread Killer extraordinaire

Yay! its football season once again!
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