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Old 11-21-2003, 03:41 AM   #102
Captain Obvious
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Norman, Oklahoma
12/22/1943 Osnabruck Aircraft Factory Mission 8 All Hell Breaks loose.

We start off with another routine flight into germany soil. We meet stiff resistance as we head into germany towards the target. We are assualted by 8 enemy fighters including 4 109's. and some 190's. Out of nowhere a 109 drops down out of the sky and aims for Rustbucket. He hits the number 2 engine, which immediatly catches on fire. Nearly the whole crew panics, but the pilot keeps his cool and manages to get things under control. They fall out of formation and drop their payload, then turn back towards england. The five remaining bombers continue to press on and mange to down 6 of the 8 craft. Cloudsplitter bags 2, Flying plantain, Mighty Madness and the Golden Bomber all grab one more.

We are fast approaching the bomb site, and we are taking some heavy flak from the germans. We start the bomb run when the lead bomber calls out over the radio that he cant find the target. Things are looking very bad as the crews are not sure they can keep the planes together.

They regroup some distance from the target and make another run through heavy flak. This time its a success as they drop their bombs Totally destroying the site and hitting many of the buildings. We limp back towards england and luckily no-one crashes. We get ready to land, and everything goes fine until windancer is set to land. her landing gear is stuck, however the manual control works fine, and she sets down safely.

Definately our most dangerous mission so far. I thought that we would definately loose a plane today. I guess that luck was on our side.

Thread Killer extraordinaire

Yay! its football season once again!
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