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Old 08-24-2014, 02:42 PM   #898
Join Date: Oct 2003
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
No, it's that there might just be areas where there is a higher rate of criminal activity by blacks than whites. So if everything else were perfectly equal there would obviously a higher rate of arrests of blacks than whites.

But few of those crying about "disparity" seem to give a damn about that. I guess we're just supposed to overlook X amount of criminal activity by blacks in order to keep their arrest/conviction/incarceration rates down.

Screw reality, let's just keep the math nice & neat.

If only there was some nice and neat math that said vehicles driven by blacks in Ferguson were searched twice as often even though finding contraband was only two-thirds as likely.

Bloomberg - Injustice in Ferguson, Long Before Michael Brown

The ArchCity Defenders study found that 86 percent of vehicle stops involve a black motorist, even though blacks make up only two-thirds of the population. After being stopped, blacks are twice as likely to be searched, even though searches of blacks discover contraband only two-thirds as often as searches of whites, the study found.

Who’s to blame in the confrontation that led to Brown’s death has yet to be sorted out. But the ArchCity Defenders report is the clearest evidence to date that Ferguson’s justice system was discriminatory in practice, if not intent, long before the police force’s heavy-handed response to the riots that followed the fatal shooting. Harvey and his co-authors found that middle-class drivers stopped by police routinely hire lawyers who knock speeding tickets down to non-moving violations; poorer drivers, mostly black, who can’t afford lawyers, often find themselves caught in a downward spiral. They get points on their licenses, they can’t afford their fines, they’re jailed, they lose their jobs, they drive with suspended licenses and get into deeper trouble.

One can question ArchCity Defenders’ blunt claim that “defendants are incarcerated for their poverty.” It’s harder to dispute the defense attorneys’ warning that Ferguson’s practices “destroy the public’s confidence in the justice system and its component parts.”

In the meantime, continue trying to obfuscate the truth. Keep insisting that people in St. Louis have no need to make any changes as the city becomes more and more synonymous with urban decay and brain drain.

Last edited by nol : 08-24-2014 at 02:55 PM.
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