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Old 08-24-2014, 10:48 AM   #891
Young Drachma
Dark Cloud
Join Date: Apr 2001
Originally Posted by RainMaker View Post
I did. I know there are efforts to combat the violence. I live in a city where every month you'll see some rally or some politician shaking hands with community leaders. They just never gain any traction. The community doesn't fully get behind them. There isn't a tenth of the vitriol that you find in situations like this.

The strategy for the last few decades has been to focus on how the white man is keeping down black communities. To focus most of the efforts on complaining about racism. To blame the lack of jobs, education, parenting, and so on on white people. You can see the results of these efforts. It doesn't work.

And that's the problem with someone like Coates. He wants to downplay many of the issues that plague the black community. He wants to call anyone who brings it up racist. To him it's about pointing out how evil white people and conservatives are. Because if you write enough articles on that things will magically get better in the community. Until people like him are willing to call out the real issues plaguing the community, nothing will change.

And by the way, Coates writes a lot about how downtrodden the black community is. How white people fled for better areas. Guess where Coates doesn't live? A black community. The minute he got a nice job he got the fuck out. He's a hypocrite race hustler.

Ta-Nehisi Coates lives in Harlem. He writes about it often.

As for this canard that he doesn't talk about the "the many issues that plague the black community," and he's not the only that talks about it. Despite what Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and Larry Elder tell you, colored folks actually care about what happens in their communities, because they have to live in them.

If you believe in freedom, this idea that one person has a responsibility to live amongst the squalor they themselves did not create in an effort to lend authenticity to the very real things they're exposing.

It's reality. It's history. And that history has been codified into the realities that we're seeing now. None of that excuses criminal behavior. But trying to detach pathology from the realities of how things got that way -- and that those actions were intentional and deliberate, with no disregard for how the future would play out as a result -- doesn't excuse those of us living in the present from reflecting on how those things got to where they did, how they impact what we do now and if we continue to perpetuate half-truths about the reality of the circumstances of millions of Americans (not just black ones) that were legislated and put into the public code using their tax dollars...

The Ghetto Is Public Policy - The Atlantic

Just a quick search:

Black People Are Not Ignoring 'Black on Black' Crime - The Atlantic

Why Don't Black People Protest 'Black-on-Black Violence'? - The Atlantic

The Myth of Black-on-Black Crime - The Atlantic

Black Pathology Crowdsourced - The Atlantic

Black Pathology and the Closing of the Progressive Mind - The Atlantic

But stop with the fake even handed concern trolling, like "oh I'm really objective, but the reality here is...Negroes need to take care of their own house."

They do. And they are. But it's complicated. Like everything is complicated. But dismissing a wide swath of people that you don't agree with as race hustlers is unproductive and unbecoming of the serious person you're purporting to be and rids you of the supposed moral high ground flying carpet you're using to drone around and point fingers at communities that you don't approve of for whatever reason.
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