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Old 08-24-2014, 10:25 AM   #888
Young Drachma
Dark Cloud
Join Date: Apr 2001
Originally Posted by Dutch View Post
Never forget that CNN and FOX need $$ more than they need a cut back on drama and if you look at this thread alone, they know for a fact that we eat this shit up, real, perceived, or even fabricated.

However, there is an imbalance in Ferguson, and that shit needs to be fixed. The problem I'm hearing is that the young men and women of the community rule themselves out from those positions. Either by getting involved in gangs, doing drugs, dropping out of high school, or getting pregnant. That's not a white people problem, that's a community problem and it's almost laughable to not see those problems being addressed seriously. Why are we so afraid to discuss that nationally? Or are we just concerned it won't make money.

Do you have stats to indicate that this is a legitimate issue in Ferguson or are we just relying on some snapshot of national data as reality?

Like you can't just say things like "there are no qualified people," and even reading the actual article rather than looking at the graphic, people realize that the article has a lot of "well we tried, but no one was interested" and yet, I bet if we're throwing out statistics these same communities surely tend to send disproportionate amounts of men & women to the military.

The thing is, police and other civil servant jobs are good paying jobs, have long been one of the many sources to a middle class lifestyle and so, if these people are so qualified, why can't they get hired in their own towns that they choose to live in?

There isn't a shred of evidence anywhere that supports this myth of no qualified people living in their communities and I'm not arguing people should be hired from within, shit...just force these paragons of quality and upstanding morality to live within the borders of the communities they police.
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