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Old 08-22-2014, 03:18 PM   #873
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by nol View Post
Again, the more audacious the claim, the more evidence required. You are a random message board poster saying someone who is a professional writer who is pretty well-regarded by other professional writers is actually wrong about most stuff, but you are right. Going to need more than "he's just a race hustler because he has not stayed in West Baltimore his entire life."

It is an opinion. There isn't any chart that will show you empirical evidence that one opinion is correct over the other. If there was there would be no debate.

I think Coates is a hack writer who has such little regard for the black community that he feels they can't possibly be successful without the white man allowing it. A person who has such disdain for upper-middle class white people who have trampled on black communities that he decided he wanted to be next door neighbors to them. He offers no solutions, just excuses. A tactic that has failed spectacularly over the last few decades.
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