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Old 08-18-2014, 02:22 PM   #501
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Fantasyland
Originally Posted by illinifan999 View Post
I know enough from seeing that video. That wasn't the first time he's stolen something and wasn't the first time he's bullied someone.

Which video? The full one? Or the one the police edited to make it look much worse?

Originally Posted by illinifan999 View Post
You can keep calling him unarmed, but the fists of a 6'4, 300 lb adult can still do serious damage.

He was unarmed. End of story, you can't spin it any other way without sounding absurd. This isn't in dispute at all. It's hard for a fist to do damage from more than 3 feet away.

Originally Posted by illinifan999 View Post
Real life isn't like the movies. People can be shot multiple times and continue on with adrenaline. The fact that he was still bullrushing someone shooting at him until he was hit in the head is proof.

He was bullrushing the police officer? And I'm sure you have proof of that? Because every other eyewitness account - including that of the PD - says the hulking beast-child was running away and then stopped.

Originally Posted by illinifan999 View Post
There's been a blatant attempt to influence everyone (including a potential jury pool) by assassinating Officer Wilson's character. Difference between Officer Wilson and Michael Brown is that Officer Wilson has been trying to serve his community while Michael Brown sees fit to steal from it.

I haven't seen an institutionalized attempt at assassinating Wilson's character. Please show me where that took place.

Originally Posted by illinifan999 View Post
Actually you're wrong. 6'4, 300 lbs adult attacking a smaller cop, already bashing his head good enough to send him to the hospital, and trying to take his gun = deadly force authorized. Especially if he's gearing up for round 2.

Again, you have proof of any of this beyond a police department statement? A department that's already been caught in numerous lies regarding this case - everything from the number of shots fired to the distance between the subjects to heavily editing the video from the convenience store to denying firing on the media?

I'm just curious, how many lies have to get told by a man in uniform before you don't believe them? At this point I figure the police spokesperson must look like this:

What we know is this - a young, unarmed black male was shot 6 times at range by a while police officer who was chasing him after an initial confrontation regarding jaywalking. Those facts are undisputed. I'm leaving room for the police to justify it. I just doubt they can. After all, this is the same department that arrested an innocent man, beat him savagely in his cell and then tried to charge him with bleeding on their uniforms.
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