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Old 08-17-2014, 06:05 PM   #457
Solecismic Software
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Canton, OH
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
Are either of those again the law? (edit to add) Have either of those been the subject of enforcement, however mild, for decades?

Laws need to evolve to reflect the times. Studies indicate that texting while driving is far worse than driving when just over the legal threshold of alcohol. So new laws are being enacted. Would you advocate the death penalty for some stupid teenager who drove while texting? Or would it be better to suspend her license for a year and require a class in driving safety?

There are 319 million people in the United States, and 319 million different belief systems about what laws are important and what laws aren't.

For me, it's all about harm. Drive drunk if you want. Text if you want. But if you cause an accident and you were texting or drunk, you have to take full responsibility for the accident, perhaps do some time, and make full restitution. But that's just one opinion.

"Good" is relative I suppose. But "exponentially better than what we currently have" is something I believe with every fiber of my being. I've wept for bringing a child into a world as f'ed up as this one, it's a guilt that I doubt I'll ever be able to find relief from (at least not in this life). I carry that guilt despite a belief that a lot of what has destroyed the quality of life in this country was set in motion before I was even born, much less could vote or do anything even microscopical substantial about it. Perhaps one of the few things that allows me to live with that -- however narrow run it may be at times -- is to have the courage to be honest, to be candid, popularity of that opinion be damned.

I believe you're being honest about this. I wouldn't say you're trolling. But you have to understand when you present an opinion that's quite unpopular, perhaps calling for the execution of a loved one who, in his or her heart, was not trying to cause anyone harm... it's not going to go over well.

I recognize where my own thoughts about right or wrong don't mesh with the majority (religion and smoking, in particular). I try to keep that in mind when discussing controversial topics. Not that I don't mind being honest or candid, but that I have to recognize that sometimes being honest or candid would work against my cause.

But, really, the older I get, the less certain I get about anything related to values.
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