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Old 11-20-2003, 02:52 PM   #29
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Chicago
The Dearly Departed

We now take a little time to bid a fond farewell to all of the players released during this past off-season. We’ll take a look at the new homes for all of these former Seamen, and see what sort of role they will likely play with their new clubs.

Midfielder Charlie Bautista

Charlie was a member of the original Screamin’ Seamen, and was a rock for us in the middle throughout our first four seasons. He didn’t score very many goals, but was always a solid contributor to our ball possession efforts, and rarely got carded for rough play.

Charlie was transferred to Gor, a relatively new 5th-division Estonian side, for $214,000. Gor plays a 3-4-3 formation, with only two midfielders, which means that Charlie finally has his opportunity to shine. And shine he has, scoring one goal and earning Team Match MVP honors in each of the club’s first three competitive matches this season (one league and two cup matches).

Central Defender Keith Stubbs

Keith was a product of the Screamin’ Seamen youth squad, and was in the lead to take over for Chuck Scales at the starting sweeper position at the beginning of last season. However, Cameron “Big Mac” McDonald’s ascendancy last season made Keith an expendable commodity.

His new club is FC Magnum, an older club in the Croatian 3rd Division, who paid a transfer price of $917,000 to acquire his services. While not a star on his new club, Keith looks like he will be a solid contributor to an already-good defensive club. They’re playing Keith a little out of position though, if you ask me, as they have him playing the left wingback position instead of his natural central defender spot.

Utility Player Paul Peralta

Paul was another member of the original Screamin’ Seamen roster. While he lacked any true talent at any given position, Paul was a valuable backup and could play nearly any position on the field (except for minding the net). During his four year tenure with SSFC, Paul played every outfield position at least once.

Paul was transferred for $51,000 to Christians Allstars, a young Sussex-based club in England’s 6th-Division. The Allstars seem to be using Paul in a midfielder’s role, where he has started all three of the club’s matches thus far. Paul has never been star material, but it looks like he’ll be a good contributor to the Allstars’ midfield efforts.

Midfielder Pete “The Old Goat” Tomlin

The Old Goat was, without a doubt, the most difficult player for us to say goodbye to this past off-season. A member of the original SSFC squad, Pete was a member of our starting midfield for most of his time here. Aside from his tough-as-nails attitude, Pete also made valuable contributions to the club with his play, as he was the best “two-way” midfielder we’ve ever had (passable passing and defending).

The Old Goat was transferred for an even $100,000 to 1. FC Ausland, a club from Germany’s 6th-Division. While he does not appear to qualify as “star material” for his new club, he has become an immediate starter, playing at inner midfielder in all three of 1. FC Ausland’s matches thus far this season.

Midfielder Jerry Smith

Jerry Smith, as you may recall, came over to the Seamen as part of the same trade that brought “Corny” Jernigan to the club. Unlike Corny, however, young Jerry never really worked out with the club, and was limited to reserve and backup duty for most of his time with SSFC.

Jerry was shipped off to Milano, Italy during the off-season, where he joined 6th-Division side Naviglio F.C. for $93,000. Since his arrival, he has only participated in one competitive match for his new club, and appears to be having some difficulty adjusting to his new team and shaking off the rust.

Midfielder David Burton

Burton, a veteran midfielder and set-pieces ace, was a member of the Seamen for only one season. He made the most of his time here, however, as his experience and skills made him the most valuable member of the midfield last season.

Now 37 years of age, David was able to stay in the United States for at least another season. He was transferred for $225,000 during the off-season to Lake Superior Dogfight, another American 4th-Division side. L.S.D. is actually using David as a winger (towards middle) rather than his natural inner midfielder position, and it remains to be seen whether or not he will remain a regular starter for the club.

Midfielder Lucian Tere

Lucian was brought onto the Screamin’ Seamen roster early on, and was one of our primary reserves at the midfielder position. Never a regular starter and not terribly talented, he was still a solid contributor to the club from time to time.

We received a paltry $18,000 for Lucian during the off-season, as he was transferred to FC Waldkirch 2003, a relatively new club in the Swiss 6th-Division. Lucian has some defensive abilities as well, and it appears as though his new coach is using him as a defender rather than a midfielder, at least for the time being.

Midfielder Niklas Ivarsson

Niklas was a member of the Screamin’ Seamen for the past couple of seasons, and played a very similar role to Charlie Bautista as a quiet, solid contributor to ball-possession. Never a flashy guy, Niklas scored very few goals, but his participation on the field was no less important.

Niklas was transferred for a $187,000 fee to Xanderstars, a club in Belgium’s 4th Division. Niklas appears to be starter material for Xanderstars, as he has already participated in all three of the club’s matches this season, scoring a goal and earning one Team Match MVP award already.

Winger Valentin Rubio

The aging Argentinean winger Valentin Rubio was brought in for the past couple of seasons to bolster our wing attack, which worked quite nicely along with the arrival of youth squad phenom Reg Nichols. Valentin’s relatively advanced age (he’s now 31) required that he be let go, however, to make room for young trainees.

Valentin was let go for an even $100,000, and joined Favorit SC, a 4th-Division side from Budapest, Hungary. He has seen action in both of the club’s cup matches to date, has scored a goal, and looks to be starter material for Favorit SC.

Central Defender Zarpas Lerma

Zarpas was one of our defensive trainees for the past few seasons, a tall, lanky Spaniard who was just never able to break past the other trainees and earn himself a starting spot. While he was never a standout player, he was certainly adequate, and we always felt he would make a nice addition to another team someday.

That day arrived for Zarpas when he was transferred to osuo, a 4th-Division club from Thailand. Zarpas should be starter material for his new club, but is currently recovering from a knee injury sustained in osuo’s opening week league match.

Wingback Christian Kvam

Another of our tall defensive trainees, Christian is the Norwegian wingback who was fighting with Mattias Leier to remain on the Screamin’ Seamen club. He lost that battle with Mattias, however, and was transfer listed during the off-season.

That transfer added a half-million to the club’s coffers, as his services were acquired by the Waramanga Sea Eagles, an Australian 4th-Divison side. Christian was off to a good start with his new club but, ironic in it’s similarity with Zarpas Lerma’s situation, also sustained a knee injury during the club’s first league match. Funny how these things work out sometimes (and no, we did not place time bombs in these guys’ knees before transfer listing them!).

Up Next: The first weekly training update of the new season. Stay tuned!
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